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Search results for query: *

  1. ppetree

    stupid ptr problem

    <soapbox> Not every project one receives is in the language we prefer NOR do we always receive the code in the condition we prefer it to be in. So, those of us who are stuck, really appreciate the help of those who can help. While wishing those whose only function in life is to carry around...
  2. ppetree

    stupid ptr problem

    FILETEST is defined as: typedef struct _filetest { int nAction; // exists, notexists, size<>, date<> int nFormula; // a date formula unsigned long lValue; // size/date to check for unsigned long lResult; // the results of out test BOOL bStatus; // TRUE if ok, FALSE if...
  3. ppetree

    stupid ptr problem

    Yeah, that's what I thougth too and tried the & and it didn't give me a valid address... (didn't gpf either, just didn't give me what I know to be contained fTest.lpstrFilename. hmmm...
  4. ppetree

    stupid ptr problem

    I should know this... sigh... First, the definition: typedef struct _task { unsigned effective_date; unsigned expiration_date; FILETEST filetest; BOOL bPrevjob; char warning_time; char snooze_time; } TASK, *PTASK; Now, the variables: static FILETEST fTest; // local dialog working...
  5. ppetree

    Complex QUERY help please!

    You were both dead-on! PH, you are a champ! That's twice you have helped me! Greg, thanks for breaking it down like that, it helps me to learn the different syntaxs. I had tried most the elements but had them wrong. I used sum as SUM(purch_amt1, purch_amt2, purch_amt3, purch_amt4) and that...
  6. ppetree

    Query format ???

    Thanks All! This is what I ended up with: strSQL = "SELECT afl_name, Int(afl_date), Count(*) AS total_displays FROM track WHERE Int(afl_date) Between #" &start_date &"# And #" &end_date &"# AND ID=" &uid &" GROUP BY afl_name, Int(afl_date)" Phil
  7. ppetree

    Complex QUERY help please!

    Hi All! I have 1 database with 2 tables (users, purch). I need to query table 'users' and match on field users.referer and in purch I need match when total_amount > 0 and purch_date is between start_date and end_date and from there I need the sum total of 4 columns from purch for each day...
  8. ppetree

    Counting/sorting problem

    I don't profess to even understand how the difference between int() and datevalue() would effect the outcome of the search. All I know is that the results are that I get the total number of each filename for each date for the specified user. I really figured I was going to have to write this...
  9. ppetree

    Counting/sorting problem

    strSQL = "SELECT afl_name, Int(afl_date), Count(*) AS total_displays FROM track WHERE Int(afl_date) Between #2007-04-01# And #2007-04-15# AND ID=1 GROUP BY afl_name, Int(afl_date)"
  10. ppetree

    Counting/sorting problem

    That was stunningly PERFECT!!! And here I was trying to figure out how to do the count in vbscript and you clever fellows know how to do it in SQL! So VERY awesome! Thanks a bunch for that! What a Happy Easter this makes! Phil
  11. ppetree

    Counting/sorting problem

    Actually... my bad... The results are from: strSQL = "SELECT COUNT(ID), afl_name, datevalue(afl_date) FROM track WHERE datevalue(afl_date)=datevalue(date()) AND ID =" &u1 &" GROUP BY afl_name, datevalue(afl_date)" Are: No Records Found
  12. ppetree

    Counting/sorting problem

    tsuji, Here's what I was finally able to get from your last query suggestion: Report Range 4/1/2007 - 4/8/2007 Filename Date Total sasy_banner_large.gif 4/3/2007 8:02:34 AM sasy_banner_large.gif 4/3/2007 10:44:11 AM sasy_banner_large.gif 4/3/2007 10:52:30...
  13. ppetree

    Counting/sorting problem

    Here's what I want to get from the query: for ID count all unique file_names for each date in date_range So if I ran this report for ID=1, date range 04/01/2007 thru 04/15/2007 (based on the table in my 9:27a post) I should get a RS containing 4 entries: afl_name afl_date...
  14. ppetree

    Query format ???

    I should also add that I have been trying this query as a result of a post in another thread: strSQL = "SELECT COUNT(ID), afl_name, datevalue(afl_date) FROM track WHERE datevalue(afl_date)=datevalue(date()) AND ID ='" &uid &"' GROUP BY afl_name, datevalue(afl_date)" I keep getting a 'data...
  15. ppetree

    Counting/sorting problem

    Yes, of course... it also produces a datatype mismatch error. ID is defined as a number afl_name is text afl_date is general date which defaults to Now()
  16. ppetree

    Counting/sorting problem

    No, not much of a SQL programmer at all... barely get by. I can do a basic query, basic insert etc. Never used (or even heard of) count until we started this. I can write some really great assembler code, some really great C/C++, some not to bad javascript and some pretty decent perl. I fully...
  17. ppetree

    Query format ???

    Yes, there are two different .mdb files: The first one is affiliate.mdb and contains three tables table1 has all the data on our affiliate program (name, userid, pword, addr, url etc.) while table2 called 'track' has all the times an affiliate has displayed one of our banners or links and...
  18. ppetree

    Counting/sorting problem

    The only type I see is the one comma highlighted in <red>red</red> and I had already tried removing that comma before and tried it again. I'm sorry but I do not know what other typo you can be referring to or what I may have missed. I know this can be frustrating but I am really trying hard to...
  19. ppetree

    Counting/sorting problem

    Yeah, I thought it might be a typo and I tried taking it out and it produces an error as well: strSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) afl_name, datevalue(afl_date) FROM track WHERE datevalue(afl_date)=datevalue(date()) AND ID ='" &uid &"' GROUP BY afl_name, datevalue(afl_date)" Produces: Microsoft OLE...
  20. ppetree

    Counting/sorting problem

    strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT afl_name, afl_date FROM track" Produced one record with no filename. While: strSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) afl_name, datevalue(afl_date) FROM track WHERE datevalue(afl_date)=datevalue(date()) AND ID ='" &uid &"' GROUP BY afl_name, datevalue(afl_date)" Produces...

Part and Inventory Search
