Could you please take a look at and (following) and see if you can tell me how to get it running again? Thank you very much!
#Seti Stat Grabber (JavaScript Output Version) V1.3 Copyright (c) 2002, James Battersby
# You must...
I've been working with FrontPage for a while, and I just got Office XP Professional so I now have Access (I've been a mainframe and Paradox for Windows programmer).
Can you recommend a good book on working with Access (and FrontPage hopefully) for creating web databases?
Thank you very...
Thanks to all who responded. After several tries, I finally threatened to leave, and tech support dug in, found a missing snippet of code, and even corrected it for me... up and running at
Hi, There! Please see It contains a line which reads
<script src=""></script>
which references a perl script. When I was on valueweb it worked fine, but now on, it doesn't...
no, sorry, it's the Seattle Now, Cultural Profiles Project, and Puritan's Pride Vitamins I was referring to. I assume the others are in the shared border, and that's okay for now.
could someone please tell me why the <style> code on's_new.htm fails to work on three of the links? They all look the same to me...
Most gratefully,
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