Good news...my IT tecchi (albeit on vacation) was able to remotly unlock my Symantic anti-virus (SAV) and lo and behold, it loaded !!! Now...you can be assured that I wil NOT turn Sidekick off unless absolutely necessary - but I have bookmarked this page as well as copied your very useful...
Thanks for the feedback. 1). Last week, I was able to get it to boot up (2x)...even with the Symantic. NOTE: All my data is in another file, NOT in the same file as the program.
I do NOT receive an error mesage when I try to re-install. The demo shield comes up and when I hit...
I am a very LONG time user of '98 and love it. Best program of it's kind.
I recently changed offices and now my '98 will NOT load. The loading screen comes up and only 2-3 progress bars at the bottom, then freezes. Have original disk, but it 'stalls' and won't let me re-load. Have...
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