Crystal XIr2 Oracle database
I have many servers and databases from which reports are run and I would like to have the server name and database information from where the report was generated to display on the report.
Anyone have an ideas how to do this?
I got the summary values to display in the page Headerit using 3 Cross-Tabs; one for each total I needed.
Still interested in finding out how to use variables to do it though.
Crystal XI. I'm in my subreport that is grouped on a formula @GroupFormula(If Account.PoolSide = 3000 then 1, else if 3001, then 2, etc. 4 total) I need to display in the Page Header section (using the details & group footer sections, just to get the Summed Values for groups 1 & 2) the summed...
Crystal XI - SQL
I need to replicate an official form, which has a diagonal line in the detail section; where some data shows to the Top Right before the line and other data displays Bottom Right under the line.
The data is easy, I can't figure out how to draw the diagonal, just straight.
Crystal XI
1st datasource are SQL tables on Server A
2nd datasource is QuickBooks on Server B
Is there a way to join these (log in, etc.) WITHOUT USING
~ a subreport
~ creating a Crystal SQL query
~ creating a SQL Union
I have 3 fields that are the same in each datasource that need to be the...
Crystal XI - SQL & Oracle databases
Does anyone know if there are any ramifications if I select
"Convert Database NULL Values to Default". Most of the tables used in the reports allow NULLs. We've been using the producdt for 11 years and never used this feature, but I can't remember why not...
Here is the cause of my confusion:
In crystal xi, I have a record sort order defined as:
Group #1: Account.Name - A
A - Class.Name
A - Department.Fax
the SQL statement Order By reads:
ORDER BY AccountPool.Name, Class.Name, Department.Fax
I always "assumed" that the reason we had to use the...
What is the Order of process, the Order By clause, then the Record Sort Order? Are both sort conditions being applied, just 1st at the server for the Order By, then all the records that return are sorted locally using the Record Sort Order?
Crystal XI
When running Crystal - we (3rd party software application)pass infomration into the SQL query. Back in Crystal 8.5, this information would "Append" to the Where (if conditional) and Order by clauses of the Crystal SQL statement. I've noticed in Crystal XI, this is not the case, the...
Crystal XI
Whenever you use a left outer join (or whatever) from the primary to a secondary table, DO YOU have to use the SAME JOIN TYPE(LO)if joining a third table to the second table?
I thought I read/heard someplace this was mandatory. Can someone comfirm. thank you.
when exporting to Excel (from Crystal XI), I am prompted with the window "Excel Format Options" which allows me to identify how I want to export my file.
My question is that I need default this option and set it not to display anymoore (like PromptAgain registry setting for the Text option)...
Suppress Printing If No Records -
Select this option to suppress the printing of a report if that report does not contain any records.
What does this mean exactly? I thought the report would not print if no records exist, but my report still prints out.
Any ideas?
Figured it out, you have to use the DateAdd function
However, if you want to get all timezones, then the -5 should be replaced with a formula that identifies your current timezone and adds/subtracts from the GMT appropriately.
My database holds the DateTime value as GMT. I need to subtract 5 hours to get EST. I tried taking the date field and minus 5, but thats not working. Need to keep in mind that subtractiing 5 hours could return previous date, so there has got to be more than subtracting hours.
I am trying to set a default CharPerInch. No matter what hexadecimal or decimal value I enter, the charperinch export text window doesn't change, it remains at 12.
Since going to XI (from 8.5) my text export are all messed up. I did find if I export to 25 char per inch, and view in notepad at...
Do you know which exporting DLLS go with the CRAXDRT.dll?
I see they are updating the U2Fxxx.dlls which were suppose to work with the CRPE32.dll which is retired, thus I am confused. Which exportin DLLS work with the CRAXDRT????
Crystal XI.
1. We are using the print engine craxdrt.dll, back in 8.5 we used crpe32.dll which has since been retired. I was under the impression that the U2Fxls, U2fTxt, etc. dlls where used with the crpe32 and that the x3ftxen, etc. where used with the craxdrt.dll.
Does any one know the...
I can't use it as a Datasource, my reports can be run off of a SQL and/or Oracle Database. My reports are run out of an Application my company wrote in C++ and we use Crystal as the reporting tool. When reports are run out of our application, our source code passes values to the Where clause at...
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