Now i am looking for html help workshop, i supplied it from msdn web site. I haven't understood something. Are we use rtf documents in html help workshop as we do in help workshop of vb or it is not nessary? Any help will be appreciate.
Thank you
I hane never used crytal reports. I hope help you.
What kind of sort you want? If you mean sort data of a table, you can do this with a sql query.
for example
dim rs as adodb.recordset
dim sql as string
sql="select * from table order by field asc/desc"
set rs = new...
dear all,
i have created an application in vb6 and i created a help file for this application using Microsoft visual studio 6.0 tools -> Help Workshop. I wrote the rtf file in times new roman font and generally the document is in Greek with Greek characters. When i save and compile the project...
I understod both you, Clone is a good idea.
What exactly is a PASS (key) in sql statement? What do you mean a PASS (key)? And how can i use it into a sql statement? Do you have any link or whatever about PASS (key) to understand this?
Thank you SBerthold.
What kind of sort you mean? Alphabetical for example? Do you mean to display the results in a listview control?
And when the user selects the record pass it into the datareport and print it? Something like this?
I don't want to print all results in any case because the...
Something else maybe helps you, when you add a new record the record adds after the last record of your table. So either you save this record either not, you don't want to be in the last record but in record you were before adding, except that the record you were before was the last.
Well, if...
hello all, i relativelly new in vb6.
I have a form that user types values for fields of a table, then another form displays the results if the record/s exist. I also created a data report shows these results and my purpose is to print the datareport. I didn't use data enviroment at all but ado...
hello everybody,
I am new in vb6 and datareports too.
I am using vb6 and i am trying to display a data report based on an ado shape sql query. My query collects fields from table orders and table orderDetails and the 2 tables relates with OrderID. My problem is that when i display the report in...
What exactly want to do? Having a form that the user inserts new records or a form that displays records by users criteria and you want the user edit the exist record?
If you want a form inserting records and the cansel button not save changes, design a save command button and a addnew command...
Hello, i am trying to display a data report assigned on user's criteria.
My problem is that when the search_invoiceRep appears, appears a message box too, says ERROR Datafield 'ORDO2' NOT FOUND. I had a look to forum but i didn't found something to help me. I haven't understood what causes this...
I found why the statement i refered occured me this error. The reason was that i hadn't set the provider in MSDataShape.1 in the connection string. Now it works all right.
I have a question to do. Can i use ado shape command with data provider set to MSDASQL.1 ? Or i have to use it only with...
Hi all,
I am getting a runtime error
Invalid Sql Statement, expected 'DELETE','INSERT','PROCEDURE','SELECT' OR 'UPDATE'
sql= "Select * from Orders " & _
"where OrderID like " & 'ORD02%' & _
" and ShipName like " & '%'
sqlOrdDet = "Select * from OrderDetails " & _
"where OrderID='" &...
This is a good idea.
In the form i display the results of sql query i have a command button named PrintPreviewCmd to connect the data report with the query i have tried this:
Private Sub PrintPreviewCmd_Click()
Dim rsClone As ADODB.Recordset
Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command
'rsord is the...
Thank you again. I understood you.
I have another question to do.
How can i define more than one filters?
For example if my sql query is like this:
"select * from orders where " & _
"OrderID like '" & FuncTxt(0).Text & "%'" & _
" and " & _
"ShipName like '" & functxt(1).text & "%'"
In this...
thank you for replying me.
My problem is that the recordset you call rsSomething is created in form code, not in dataEnviroment so i dont think i can access to this with this statement:
Set rsClone = MyDataEnvironment.rsSomething.Clone
So what can i do for this?
What do you mean to save the sql...
hello all.
I have created my database with Visual Data Manager -> Microsoft Access -> Version 7.0 MDB
I am using VB6.
i am using a sql query in code of my application with where clauses. My query is like this:
"select * from orders where OrderID " & _
"like '" & FuncTxt.Text & "%'"
just go to vb toolobox select the image control and set it to the form, select the image properties from properties window, in picture property, push the ... button and set the image you want from the filepath in you computer. it will appers in the image control you can specify its dimensions...
hello everybody.
I am using vb6, I created a data report with data enviroment and the what i want to do, is to display a record by page. I mean in the first page the first record, in the second page the second record etc.
Does anyone know about this?
Thank you
very much.
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