u can create a custom web part which will display the data from the announcement list.in c# you can use thw SPList class.
for more help refer to www.msdn2.com
hi there,
i am having a very strange problem whenevr i am trying to display data from a custom list using a custom web part.When i am selecting the list name the data is getting displayed but when i am clicking the publish button the data is not shown.can any1 help me out with this?
thanks in...
hi there
can anyone tell me how to remove the 'source editor' button from the CEWP (Content Editor Web Part) when 'modify shared web part' is clicked??
check what url u r giving..maybe ur giving the actual physical path..u hav to give the url corresponding to ur server address like 'http://ur server name/file name...
hi there,
can any1 help me out with the situation?actually am havin a set of style that i want to apply in a content editor web part, so i want to remove the toolbar from the Rich Text Editor so that no user can modify the style,in a sense, i want to freeze the style in rich text editor,is it...
hi everyone
i am developing a asp.net page in which i have a client side vbscript code..i am failing to call that from asp.net button click event..can any1 help??
thanks in advance
hi everyone
can anyone tell me how to bind a xml file with xsl in runtime? actually i am creating the xml file using XmlTextWriter..and i want to link this to my xsl file which is already been created..how to do that??
please help!
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