Hi Skip
Thanks, but how?
Do I create an array of int then redim it by some syntax to add an array of strings? Then can I access by incrementing the i dimension and somehow looping over the j dimension which will have variable length.
Is/how possible to dimension a array that has the i dimension of an integer and the j dimension of an array that is a parsed string.
What I am doing is reading a file line by line. On each line I am parsing it into a string array. I want to then store in an other array(or is it...
Hi All
I have fixed this with the following
For i = (LBound(stringArray) + 1) To UBound(stringArray)
Debug.Print stringArray(i)
Print #fnum, (stringArray(i) & vbTab);
Print #fnum, vbTab
Close #fnum
I was surprised that it really needed the ";" to write the values...
I do not know how to write content of an array and a tab to a file. I have all the file handling working, my questions is how to do the actual write. The items in the array are all text strings but this doesnt work
write #1 myRng(i,j) & vbTab
with the obvious assumptions. I just want...
I am trying understand how to use the bean:page with the different properties, application, config, response, request, session, and I understand the simple syntax. What I dont know is what properties I can "get at" with the bean:write tag for each of the properties of the bean:page...
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