Check out the long long or __int64 type in VC++ 7.
Before that you could use a structure (there was one defined in the Windows.h header already) to deal with the two 32-bit chunks.
Well, those are some interesting suggestions. But, in implementing the between clause, if you do, WHERE myDate between '5/7/2003 12:00 AM' and '5/7/2003 12:00 PM', you'll only get the rows where the times are in the morning hours (12pm is noon). What you really want, is something more like...
I've created a little object wrapper for this; I hope it wraps correctly :-)
First the Header file:
// Declarations for Version from Version Resource class
// Written by Frank Solomon 2000
#ifndef __ver_h
#define __ver_h
#include <windows.h>
namespace fss {
class VersionResource {...
When correctly installed, you'll have a choice under the Visual Studio .NET "Project" menu called "Visio UML" and a submenu labelled "Reverse Engineer".
You might want to check with MS about their products, the version of Visio that I'm using came bundled with the...
Figuring something like this out with incomplete source and data is very difficult. My suggestion is that you use the VC++ profiler to find out where the program is spending most of its time.
My first suspicion is that this has something to do with memory allocation for the CString, but that's...
Although nearly anything is possible if you work at it hard enough, I don't think that there's an "easy way" to get multiple lines in a list box to be treated as a single line unless you take over drawing the listbox yourself.
Usually, when things are hard to do, it means that you...
Modern C++ has a concept known as namespaces. In order to keep the names in the standard template library from conflicting with those that may already be in your program they are declared as belonging to the "std" namespace. To use such names you need to specify which namespace they...
Yes, your problem is that vector is in the namespace std::
Try changing the line vector<int> blob; to
std::vector<int> blob;
or you can do something like this:
using std::vector;
vector<int> blob;
Try looking at the "Depends.exe" utility. If you don't have it, I believe it's available as a free download from MS. It's DLL oriented instead of "component" oriented, but it does show you the entry points of each DLL. Since most COM programmers tend to package their...
Look up the CreateProcess or CreateProcessAsUser function on the MSDN CD or MS site. Pay special attention to the structure:
Described in the documentation as follows:
The STARTUPINFO structure is used with the CreateProcess, CreateProcessAsUser, and CreateProcessWithLogonW...
You might want to look at MS Knowledge base article:
PSS ID Number: Q99261
Article Last Modified on 12-14-2001
MS furnishes some code for a clear screen that doesn't depend on the ANSI control codes being available. The console.h header is one of the things I miss from my old Borland compiler...
It sounds like you don't have the stub library for the DLL's linked in. The libraries are included with the developer's tools for SQL Server. On my system they're in the path:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\DevTools\Lib
Find them on your system, then try adding that to the...
This is one of the unicode libraries with debug symbols. It is included in the distribution of VS 6 but it's optional during the install. Go back and check that you installed the unicode libraries.
printf("\n string_MyValue = %s",string_MyValue.c_str());
printf isn't std::string aware. . .and if it were, it probably wouldn't use "%s".
you really ought to consider moving to cout and cin; but, even then you may have to add an overloaded
"sendmail" usually logs via syslogd. So, if you check your syslog.conf file and look for lines having to do with the "mail" facility (they begin "mail.") then look at the filename beside them, that will tell you where your logs are going.
If the version number is stored in a Version Resource you can get it from there. Here's a class I use to extract the current exe's version number from the resource:
First the ver.h header file:
// Declarations for Version from Version Resource class
// Written by Frank Solomon 2000
Thanks for the netscape heads-up. I hadn't checked that and didn't realize it wasn't working.
Meanwhile, I found another peculiar thing. Although FTP appears to be working, I'm getting syslog error messages since the upgrade saying:
ftpd[24254]: Failed dlopen: /usr/lib/libpag.a(shr.o): A...
I installed it last weekend. The only nuisance I noticed is that for some reason, now I can't start Service Director from the X version of SMIT. I probably need to upgrade something else.
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