Ive tryed CopyFile, in a backup program I made, I found the best way is with TFileStream, It saved about 25% of the time taken, and you can incress and decress the buffer that the stream uses.
I've done experimenting, but with IIS and my asp files, it takes a while for the indexing service to keep up with file changes, more so if I just copyied a large amount of files anywhere on my drive, I found that XP and above uses memory to buffer harddrive changes to improve changes. I found...
Could anyone tell me,
would it be possible to find out the drives that windows has set up for page files use, and direct delphi to write to each one of them to test them, not to read information in them but as one of my last posts, but random data in them and time how long it takes to do...
in the right direction, I'm just a bit stuck now, cant see memory SPD in the project,
Could some help,
I think I need some code to access the SMBIOS data I think then go to locations in that data for the DIMM information, so I think I'll need locations, but I know I have no clue :)...
COuld anyone help me find out if I can Read SPD data from a DIMM in delphi and if so, does anyone know where to start, or has anyone done this before..
Could someone help me,
I want to fill a Memory Location, or some how write to memory in a large chunk, I seam to get a memory stream to save about 10Mb of text but it takes a long time, does anyone know how I could fill a memory location with random values that will not use much cpu and really...
Thats really good.. I knew that asm bypassed windows opreations for nealy everything just wondering what I would do about implemting it around TMemoryStream, and do you think that it also would have to be writen in asm., too again, bypass the windows memory managment and hopfuly get a nice...
Would anyone know how I could do this, I think I have to work with a TmemoryStream, but its getting enuf data to put into it, and where from, could it be just text, or does it have to be biniary for a better result.. if so ... I dont know where to start I've had no dealing with...
hi eveyone,
First for the blog out there that reads FreePhy FreePageFile and stuff, This aint about that :)
I want to make a little program in delphi (v 2005) that will read that memory speed, explained the speed that data is writen to memory eg DDR400, doing 400MHz, I dont know the speed it...
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