I'm testing a script that is using xml.http. Now, I'm a real newbee in this, so forgive me if this question sounds a bit strange. I'm running iASP on Linux and Apache. As I discovered, iASP does not support xml.http. Basicly I wonder what the difference is between using asp.http and...
Hi Paul,
This sound logical, yes. But the reason I'm using UltraDev is because of the easy interface. I know how to read the asp code, but I'm no hero in writing it. So I wonder if you could guide me step-by-step through the interface: what to select, what to create, etc. ?
Maybe to help you...
Hi all,
I have an ASP webpage, and a database where I keep a table containing:
language, textname, text
uk, welcome, Hi you all
uk, anothertext, Nice to see you
no, velkommen, Hei på deg
no, annentext, Hyggelig å se deg
On the page layout, I have a menu "choose...
I'm using myODBC to connect and export access db to mySQL. Standard procedure is for me to create a new user, and assign his rights to the new "empty" db. Now the user can open access, and export his db to the mysql server. Doing so, he connects to the server at port 3306, and the...
The way things are running now, a user connects to the mySQL server and does the upload in the .../var directory, which is the default location for all databases. The link I made projects the database into the user directory. This way, a du -skL gives me an idea on how much space this user...
Indeed, this works fine. But following problem showed:
Default upload (or entry) for mySQL is port 3306, at /usr/local/mysql/var. I made a ln -s to /home/<user>/db/. Running diskquota for this user results in the fact that it doesn't takes the link in consideration. So therefore I wonder...
Default Mysql stores its databases in /usr/local/mysql/var. I can change the parameter in mysql.server, but this affects all databases. What I need is this:
user 1 has a virtual domain, and stores his databases in /home/user1/www/db/
user 2 has a virtual domain, and stores his databases...
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