Ok, I'm new to VSTO programming, and I'm working on a project using it. Basicly what I'm trying to do is setup a command bar with a button that saves form data from a form, and saves a copy of the form in a specified directory. This button will be used with several different forms, so a config...
This code
Sub CheckBox31_Click()
Dim r As Word.Range
' for footers 1 = wdHeaderFooterPrimary
Set r = ActiveDocument.Sections(1).Footers(1).Range
If CheckBox31 = True Then
With r
.Text = "Draft Copy "
.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd
End With...
The one that I quoted there where I said I finally ended up using this solution. It looked at first as if it would work, until I realized that all the pages were 1.
I gave your solution a whirl and it didn't work either, so I may be back to square one.
I finally ended up using this solution
Private Sub CheckBox31_Click()
With ActiveDocument.Sections(1)
Dim CurPage As String
Dim TtlPgs As String
CurPage = Selection.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber)
TtlPgs = Selection.Information(wdNumberOfPagesInDocument)
If CheckBox31 = True...
My apologies. I am working in Word.
The funtion looks like this:
Private Sub CheckBox31_Click()
With ActiveDocument.Sections(1)
CurPage = Selection.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber)
TtlPgs = Selection.Information(wdNumberOfPagesInDocument)
If CheckBox31 = True Then...
I am working on a form, and the form includes a checkbox that changes the wording of the footer. How do I insert the Page X of Y page numbering format from within my VBA Function?
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