if i use just
SELECT distinct canc_code1 canc_code FROM m_cancellations
UNION ALL SELECT canc_code2 FROM m_cancellations
UNION ALL SELECT canc_code3 FROM m_cancellations
grOUP BY 1
works. but if i use your complete statement i receive syntax error.
can i get the total count on each of the canc...
I have a table with canc_code1 canc_code2 canc_code3. These are cancellation reasons.
There is a cancel codes table and a m_cancellations table.
cancel code TABLE
canc_code canc_desc
01 did not want
02 i do not have money
m_cancellations TABLE
contract canc_code1 canc_code2 canc_code3
Hi All,
I have an old version of informix.
I do have 8 different databases in the same system. The table structure is all the same across the system.
How do I select info from one particular table in all the different databases ?
I know that in SQL Server you can do something like:
How do I select the last 5 rows of a table ?
I have to use "order by" I guess.
If this is not possible. How do I select just 5 rows (any rows) of that table ?
Informix. Sorry if I posted in the worng place. If that is the case, lpease let me know where can I post for informix questions and btw, THANKS for helping.
res_code (resort code) sales_site (resort where the inventory is located) recess_days (recision days)
So, for the last row would be SR selling PR the recision days are 10. Sorry for not saying this before
Hi All,
I have run a query and exported the results from that query to a TXT file. 2503 Rows. Is there any way to write a statement that delets everything that is on this TXT file ? I know the other way which is using the delete blablabla from table where blablabla. But was just wondering if...
Thanks for the quick reply.
The result of your first query is "no rows found" (the same result as I am getting with mine) and there is a SINTAX error in your second query. Is not your fault, I forgot to mention that i am using an old version of informix. I believe that is the reason.
Hello ALL,
I want to list every client # that is in the clients table but is not in the contracts table. The purpose is to bring all clients that do not have any contract attached to it and clean the clients table.
client_no surname firstname
1 john smith
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