I never did find out what the issue with message tracking was, though I came across probably the same articles as you.
In the end I simply deleted and recreated the user's mailbox which seems to have solved the original problem.
Hello all,
I am new to Exchange administration, and I am trying to diagnose a strange error where emails are being returned with the following message:
The following recipient(s) could not be reached:
<removed> on 5/5/2008 8:32 AM
The e-mail address could not be found...
Thanks to both, I like the solution SQLDenis came up with and I'm going to go that route, but SQLSister's proposal was a good idea as well.
Thanks again!
Hopefully this is a simple question and I'm just not seeing the answer sitting in front of my face...
I'm trying to return the results of a dynamic query to the batch, and so far I've had trouble.
Here's an excerpt:
Declare @QueryPending nvarchar(4000)
Set @QueryPending =
N' Select *...
You could use DateDiff() to get the number of years between your stored date and the new date, then DateAdd() to calculate the new date.
Here's a test script:
First just the setup for the test...
Use tempdb
If Exists ( Select * From sysobjects Where name = 'MyTable' And type = 'U' ) Drop...
The general FETCH NEXT loop I use is:
-- Load the first record
-- Set up the loop, this will loop through your data set until you run out of records
-- The meat & potatoes of the loop
-- Grab the next record
Here's a little test script I set up to demonstrate this in a view. Just copy & paste into Query Analyzer and execute.
Hope this helps!
Use tempdb
If Exists( Select * From sysobjects Where Name = 'RT' And Type = 'U') Drop Table RT
If Exists( Select * From sysobjects Where Name = 'vRT'...
I've been using this tool for quite a while now and it works beautifully.
Back up, restore, and transfer between servers, all seamlessly and without issues.
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