got the eCRM (open-source)almost done...solved a few MAJOR hurdles...thanks to the crew at I'm trying to figure out how to implement some kind of call scheduler..that can pop-up at a given time (when rep schedules a call back to customer) I know ASP is I was thinking...
this :
WHERE customers.custid=" & valueof customeridyouwant"
How could I change this to the currently displayed record? or the current rs returned CustID value?
FrOg 8)
as far as filtering the rs notes, how would I do this...
as for the WHERE clause, I need to return ALL records and the associated Notes related to these records (if any).
Why should I use the Left Join, instead of the Left Outer Join?
FrOg 8)
I have 2 tables in Access, 1 customers, 1 notes. these are related by customer can have many notes.
I cannot get the notes to display for each customer. It displays ALL notes for ALL customers, instaed of just the notes for displayed customer.
here's the code...
Hello ppl, I am looking for something similar to OnContacts eCMS Client Management Software.
Does anyone know where I might be able to get open source code for something like this. FrOg 8)
Hello ppl, I am looking for something similar to OnContacts eCMS Client Management Software.
Does anyone know where I might be able to get open source code for something like this.
FrOg 8) FrOg 8)
Here is ALL my code: It only returns the value of "1", it never adds "1" to the returned value. I can have the number 20 returned but it will not add 1 to it..!!???
<!--#include file="../../Connections/rma.asp" -->
Here's the CODE I have got so far:
<!--#include file="../../Connections/rma.asp" -->
set rsLastRMAnum = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsLastRMAnum.Source = "SELECT RMAnum FROM RMA_Entry"
HELP.... I cannot get this to am I doing wrong?
<code snip>
Dim iLastRMA
Dim sLastRMA
'** get iLastRMA from the database
iLastRMA = rsLastRMAnum_last
'** trim all the alpha characters from the returned value
'** ie.. 020102AH1 trimmed to "1"
iLastRMA = mid(iLastRMA...
Using a Web Service to Send SMS Text Messages in ASP.NET
By: Darren Cosker
The code snippet supplied uses a web service that can send an SMS text message to 90% of all mobile phones.
Before using the below code you must link the web service...
I need to auto increment the last digit in the returned value of the following: (iLastRMA)
how do I do this, I also need to be able to reset this value daily. Is this even possible?
'** <begin code snip>
'** get iLastRMA from the database
sRMAnum =...
i need to auto increment the last digit in the returned value of the following, how do I do this, and it needs to be reset daily. is this even possible?
<code snip>
Dim sRMAstring
Dim sTDate
Dim sRMAnum
Dim iLastRMA
Dim sRuser
Dim sUser
Dim vDate
'** Todays Date in this format (ie...
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