I use it in a script that performs data entry. It copies cells in an Excel spreadsheet assigns it a variable name and then pastes the value as it reaches different locations on a page in a different system.
My company has locked down the security settings for IE8, so I can no longer enable scripting to use the clipboard. Is there a way to substitute using Word or Excel in place of IE?
Here is what I am using now.
Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")...
As you cand see I have tried Shift + F10 also, but it will sometimes loose its focus and the line and the script will fail.
Wscript.Sleep 100
' objShell.SendKeys("+{F10}")
' objShell.SendKeys "c"'
objShell.SendKeys "^c"'...
Thanks for the quick response. However, these two posts don't seem to address my issue. I am tabbing on a website and as I tab each area where I tab to is being highlighted. I need to be able to copy the highlighted data to the clipboard each time I tab. Without using Control + c.
I need to be able to copy highlighted text into the clipboard without using the above. I couldn't find anything in the forums that exactly matched what I needed.
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