How do I do this for Wordperfect. I downloaded and installed the Wordperfecf Ifilter but I only have Sharepoint Services so I cannot make settings changes through the front end have to use registry editor but what are the settings? There are Adobe intructions but cannot find these settings for...
Is there a Crystal Reports 10 Viewer free download out there
must be able to save database and password settings. Few years back used a Delphi VCL to create a viewer for Crystal Reports 8.5. Just want users to be able to run Crystal Reports 10 reports and just enter parameters and not have to...
Grouping by PersonId then CasetType
Want to filter by the PersonID Total wich is a Footer Summary of the PersonID(Group).
Report Output
cr 21
cv 7
mj 1
Total:29(Want to Filter >= 5)
For example I have 187 records returned and 2 distinct departments for deparment name. I want to display the Distinct Department names concatenated to one string on the Report Header. When I use browse data on the department_name field I get the distinct department names this is what I want the...
Values Description
0 All
1 Dep1
2 Dep2
I want to display the description now I am displaying
the value but that is not descriptive enough. I don't want
to do it from a case statement because I will have to
update the report everytime a new...
lbass (TechnicalUser) 9 Jan 07 17:43
Instead of using field formatting, go into the crosstab expert->select the column field ({})->group options->options->customize group name->use a formula for group name->x+2 and enter:
left(totext({},"MMM dd"),2)+"...
I have a crosstab field date it includes all the days in a month. Using format field Customize -> Ive formatted the field as Mon 01 (ie Day of Week Short, and day 01, no time, no month). What I have is:
Mon 01, Tue 02, Wed 03,..
What I need is Mo 01, Tu 02, We 03, ..
I need two char...
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