Thanks for your information.
The problem is that the line does not start everytime with 20. In fact I must read all file and save in a variable only the last line like:
20 0.9999 "Apr 15 2002 xx:xx:xx:xxxAM"
Before the process:
aaaaa bbbbbb ccccc
dddddd eeeee
How can I change a word by an another word in:THE SAME FILE and ON THE SAME POSITION.
Here is my file:
aaaaa bbbbbb ccccc
dddddd eeeee
12 0.12345 "Apr 15 2002 xx:xx:xx:xxxAM"
20 0.9999 "Apr 15 2002 xx:xx:xx:xxxAM"
Be aware:
Only the line...
Hi KP,
First of all thanks for your quick answer.
The problem is that in the file there are more than one line wich start with :35B: and I don't know what I can find before and after the char :
So the change must consider all line wich start with :35B:
could please help me to find and change specific char.
My file is like that:
:12:xxx vvv ggg
:13:ggggggg zzzzzz
:35B:aaaaa bbbbbbbb
:33B:ttttt zzzzzzz
How can I find the char : between ccccc and dddddd and change it to a /
Thanks for your help
Could you please help me to find a solution on how to erase a char (,) locates between two ".
By knowing that a record is like below:
"C00A12",55789,T456,"AUM, QWE TU",44456,AUF
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