It appears as though you replaced all the printablb text in the files with asterisks. Are you just trying to make it as difficult as possible for someone to help you?
Aside from that, your ASCII file has a partial, temporary download font bound to the undefined default symbol set.
HP does not have a EBCDIC symbol set. So, most files that start-off as EBCDIC run through some type of protocol conversion and the EBCDIC is mapped to a download font in a custom symbol set. This is a file we use in our product to map those characters.
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If you need a decent looking form overlay with a logo, etc. Then, I recommend using PCLWorks's Img2PCL program to easily generate a form overlay macro or automatic overlay. Then, all you need to do is insert the appropriate PCL to invoke the macro and the absolute coordinates to position the...
The latest printer drivers generate unbound PCLETTO fonts. And, they only download the characters that are being used in the document being printed.
Most drivers only use a subset of the available character cells in a single-byte character set. And, when they run out of character cells...
Our tools can insert a raster graphic anywhere into any level of PCL3-5 or XL print stream. And, we can edit a PCL print stream by inserting the appropriate 1D barcode as vector line/box draw objects.
Option V of our PCLTool SDK does this best using PCLXForm.exe with a custom .tpt script...
We have an OEM product (TTFntPCL) that we made for EDS/Deloitte for the State of California that generates PCLETTO (.SFT) fonts from full Unicode TrueType fonts (we used ANDALWTJ.TTF with 45,000 Unicode cells).
They provide the UTF-8 text and tell us the language and we extract the appropriate...
PCLWorks Program ($89) includes IMG2PCL.exe. IMG2PCL can convert a TIFF or JPEG file into a PCL file, in-stream PCL, a placable logo macro or a full page overlay macro.
You have to be an expert in PCL to figure-out how to edit a Windows temporary printstream into a macro. It used to be...
You need a commerical quality PCL interpreter to count pages in a PCL file. There are many ways to mark the end of a page... changing back to simplex from duplex, lines per page, formfeeds, resets, etc.
PageTech has several products (retail to OEM) that count PCL3/4/5/5e/5c/6 level pages...
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