I agree with you, but we would like to have a configuration file ready for the bootp client to have it auto poplulate information such as:
contact info
fax info
ldap is probably next in my todo list. Hope you can help
Thank you.
It may be related to kerberos authentication. I am not sure how you have your server setup. Also, try using <domain>\<userid> combination. I usually have issues also but found this combination of domain\userid works. Please keep in in mind that my network is mixed with window2003 and windows...
I am attempting to setup a hp4345 multifunction printer to receive it's bootp information from a windows 2003 server. While I am succesfull at having it boot via bootp, it assigns a dynamic ipaddress, this is called dynamic bootp. I need the printer to read the bootptab file information. All the...
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