We are on a Windows 2000 server.
We are experiencing several performance issues. Reports taking a long time to finish, reports not finishing but showing as running on the server (nothing shows on the database), APS stopping on it's own every few weeks.
Part of the problem may be related to the...
We are trying to maintain a struggling Crystal 9 server for a couple of more months until we upgrade to 10 and eventually to the latest version. I have been tasked with determining if throwing more memory on the server would bolster performance. And if so, would the bolstered performance be...
We're using Crystal Enterprise 9. We had several scheduled reports fail over the weekend with the same error message (Unable to connect: incorrect log on parameters. File C:\Program Files\Crystal Decisions\Shared\Temp\procSched\uswisntws414.report(2)\~tmp7d037fe03e9660.rpt.). The database that...
Thanks for your reply. I didn't originally code the report but it is a Visual Basic UFL. The text file contains a list of the company's holidays for 2003 and the code is designed to determine business days (days - weekends- holidays) Here is the code:
In Crystal Reports 9, we have a formula that imports a plain text file. Is it necessary for that text file to be placed on the report server or is the formula somehow attached to the *.rpt file? And if it is attached, after updating the text file, will simply doing insert | file be enough to...
In Psoft CRM 8.4, we may need to generate Business Object Id's independently of the system in order to integrate with our Financials Psoft system. We cannot use the delivered app messaging tools because our financials are on SP1 and we would have to upgrade to SP2 for the delivered EIPs to...
Does anyone know if it is possible to have Psoft update OUtlook calendar? For example, a sales lead has a task associated with it. This task has a due date. Can that due date be placed onto the user's outlook calendar via workflow or some other psoft mechanism?
Well, basically you have to create activities that represent the specific transactions that you're trying to model. Then you use these activities are grouped together to form business processes. In each activity, you have an event is where you will place your workflow peoplecode to model...
Which version of peoplesoft are you using? I only have experience in version 8. But generally you start by defining activities and business processes. In the activities, you define events and routings. Business processes are simply a collection of related activities.
If you right click on the page and 'View Source', a text document will open with the code for the page. Near the top you will see the page, component, etc that you are working on.
Hope this helps
Is it possible to place workflow peoplecode on any event other than the workflow event? If so, can workflow peoplecode fire after the save is committed to the database?
Does anyone have any experience using these utilities? If so, does anyone have a general timeframe for how long it takes to complete a simple workflow? The workflow app will simply email certain persons as an order is processed from entry to shipping. I can go into more details if needed.
Actually, our requirements have changed so that this is no longer necessary. But thank you for your suggestions, I'm sure I'll need them in the near future.
I'm new to XML\XSL development. I was wondering if the XML\XSL specifications include any syntax for date comparisons\functions. Your knowledge would be greatly appreciated.
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