I was trying to reset device to factory configuration defaults, on boot i press # and then 123456789*0#. A Cisco logo screen appears with text "upgrading", and no starts. I have tryied to unplug and plug power again but nothing happens: cisco screen appears again and "upgrading" message.
One user of the site is suscribed to a massive bulletin that sends every week a bulletin in html format. But the problem is that this e-mail is received in the Outlook of the user like attached file with .h extension.
If you saves the file to hard disk and changes the extension to htm, the file...
I want to create internet access policies per-user based: many users could navigate to all urls, and many users only could navigate to a group of urls.
(Based in source IP, or souce MAC, or using username/pass to each user)
How i could goal this using a 1800 router? using AAA local...
Well... i have read if you set per-port VLANs you don't need a router to that... If you set one port (internet port) sharing between both VLANs, it must work fine...
But don't works...
I have read a lot of messages about Linksys VLANs and i think if really is true if anybody could make work it properly...
Well, the typical situation: i have a Linksys Switch SRW2024, i want to create 2 phisical networks, separate, but sharing internet connections.
Port 1: R1 ISP...
Hi all, i have a problem with Office 2003. I was trying to apply the SP2 using object policy when the instation crashed. Now when i try to install de SP2 again, installation aborts with error.
System Restore not runs (it was shutdown) and y need to erase the aborted installation, and then...
I have done a right reverse telnet with the modem. When i send AT, modem request OK.
But the problem is here yet: when F0 goes down, dialer0 wakes up, but no dialing, no modem noise, no leds blink.... nothing.
I was trying using diferent innitialization commands for USR modem, but nothing...
To HELPDESKDAN: "debug dialer" the most of times not shows anything. I don´t know how i could reverse telnet to the modem
Thanks a lot
1- Yes, sure
2- I will try using "ATDT \T" and CONNECT \c
3- I'm configuring only a test. User and password are not important to me now, because...
Hi all,
I'm trying to configure a Cisco 1800 router dial backup to US Robotics 5630D analog modem by AUX port.
I have read documents about it but not runs, but not runs. I configure interfaces like this:
INterface F0-> GW:
Interface VLAN1 (switch)->
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