Thanks a lot Skip! I would have never been able to figure that out. I just read up on all the Function keys. I always forget about those.
I tried the indirect function earlier but wasn't able to get the string to evaluate. Of course you could use the F9 trick that skip just showed...
Is it possible to evaluate the below statement as a formula in a cell:
= "=" & A1 & LEFT(A3,2) & "00 - " &LEFT(A3,2) & "99\[HIL " & A3 & " " & B3 & ".xlsx]Composition'!$L$1"
Where A1 is a server location and A3 & B3 are just numbers. So the end result will look something like this...
Can anyone think of a way to paste an excel table into powerpoint? I already have the completed table in excel. Would be nice to avoid recreating the table by looping through each row and column.
The Range I am trying to paste is at the very bottom
Sub convert2pre(Optional x As Boolean)
'Eli Scott
'This Macro generates a powerpoint file for the experiment results
'Dim XLApp As Excel.Application
Dim wSheet As String
Dim ws As String
Dim pptApp...
I would like to replicate the effect of manually copying a range in Excel and pasting it into Powerpoint in Office 2007 as a Table that I could edit. I can't seem to replicate this behavior through VBA.
I've looked though the forums and found a bunch of solutions that don't do exactly what I...
Is there a way to determine the color of a line in an excel graph? I would like to store the color of the first line which excel picks and then plot the second line with the same color as the first line. See below:
'JV plot
Is it possible to allow the user to navigate through worksheets while a userform is displayed? I need to allow the user to look through the worksheets in order to select the proper data on the userform.
'Solve Aexp(ct^B)
SolverOk SetCell:="$E$2", MaxMinVal:=2, ValueOf:="0", ByChange:="$E$1:$G$1"
'Solve for the half life
SolverOk SetCell:="$K$1", MaxMinVal:=3, ValueOf:=".5", ByChange:="$I$1"
After each SolverSolve a dialog box pops up.
I am using solver in a macro and after i run solver it always prompts to ask if the solution is okay. I would just like to accept the solution. I tried using Application.DisplayAlerts = False but i still get the prompt. Is there a way to click ok through vba?
Is it possible to access a userform textbox through a for loop?
for i = 1 to 9
if myform.textbox1.value = 1 then
'perform task
end if
next i
Is there anyway to replace myform.textbox1.value with myform.textbox(i).value?
Ultimately, I would like to plot values from both columns B and C, but i should be able to plot C once we figure out how to plot B. x,y pares for column B are as follows:
Timer: Layer 1, x1, 0:00:15, 0:00:00
Output 2: CuPC, y1, 0.03, -99.1, 1.1
Timer: Layer 1, x2, 0:00:30, 0:00:00
For now i just post to plot the first column of data
Timer: Layer 1 0:00:15 0:00:15 0:00:00
Output 2: CuPC 0 0.03 -99.1 1.1
Timer: Layer 1 0:00:30 0:00:30 0:00:00
Output 2: CuPC 0.0002 0 -100...
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