I have a user that needs to send udp info thru the firewall to an internal server
He is trying to send via udp://38.100.31.xxx:20500 which should go to internal server 192.168.30.yy which is 2008R2 with firewall turned off
The packets never get thru
On the ASA I have the following setup for...
I am trying to enable and tunnel RDP on 3389 thru ssh to a server on our dmz. I am able to ssh and run commands and am able to browse web sites on the DMZ from our LAN.
Any ideas?
I have a app running on an 2003 IIS box. There are other sites running on port 80 with no problem
The application that I am having problems with is running on port 8080 on the same IIS server
It is running internally on port 80 with an IP address of and has a index page that...
I have a tomcat site on the same server with iis. IIS uses a .20 IP and goes externally to .213
The tomcat site uses .30 and externally goes to .219
the rule is:
static (inside,outside) tcp www 8080 netmask 0 0
It fails to open using...
I have created a rule that should open an ip adress on the friewall to an internal server, Internally the web server works fine, externall no connect by IP.
Here is the rule
access-list acl_out permit tcp any host eq www
static (inside,outside)
Here is the PIX Stats
epa515(config)# show interface
interface ethernet0 "outside" is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is i82559 ethernet, address is 000f.34ac.f208
IP address, subnet mask
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 100000 Kbit full duplex
1185062612 packets...
Here are the interfaces
INETRTR-1760>sh int f0/0
FastEthernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up
Hardware is PQUICC_FEC, address is 000b.be90.1d55 (bia 000b.be90.1d55)
Internet address is
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 100000 Kbit, DLY 100 usec,
reliability 255/255, txload 1/255...
I have changed it to 1500. It seems to be slow on the download side with any site I go to. I just did a speed test and my up was 1300 and down was 597. We have only 5 users on the network today.
Here is a sanitized router config
INETRTR-1760#show running-config
Building configuration...
Current configuration : 2548 bytes
version 12.3
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
service password-encryption
hostname INETRTR-1760
We have noticed a real slow internet onnection when downloading. We ran speed tests and we get 1447 up and 600 down. We have a CISCO 1760 router and a Cisco Pix 515e.I have checked the speed and duplex on both the router and PIX and they are the same. What else should i check?
I looked at the ip configuration of the wifi client on the DMZ. He gets an IP 0f 172.16.253.x..... My DNS servers he gets his info are on the outside at Cavalier. Those DNS servers give the IP of for the web site.
I added,
access-list DMZ_outbound_nat0_acl permit ip...
I have attached a sanitized version of the pix. Can you advise what needs to be added.....new with this device
PIX Version 6.3(3)
interface ethernet0 100full
interface ethernet1 100full
interface ethernet2 100full
nameif ethernet0 outside security0
nameif ethernet1 inside security100
I have WiFi users using a access point on our DMZ. The users are stating they cannot access our web site or sharepoint portal on the internal network. They can access the sites if off site. What rules or access lists need to be setup for this configuration.
All our users are using VPN from the outside to resources on the LAN. Does this command make any sense.
aaa accounting include any inbound 0 0 0 0 TACACS+
I have added the following lines, and the sections on the pix looks like
logging on
logging timestamp
logging standby
logging console critical
logging monitor debugging
logging buffered debugging
logging trap informational
logging history informational
logging queue 3000
aaa-server TACACS+...
I wish to setup accounting on our pix 515e firewall. We are running 6.3(3). What is the the proper aaa accounting command to get full logging to show in the ISA logs. Listed below is the aaa section on the PIX
aaa-server TACACS+ protocol tacacs+
aaa-server RADIUS protocol radius
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