Hi all,
i had configured my dial in server as per the information given in teh sites like
i am keeping before u the files to which i had made changes.
file /etc/inittab
added a line like...
i had made my linux server as dial in server using ppp and mgetty.i am using a modem and telephone line which for takeing incoming calls.I am able to log onto My linux server when i am dialing from remote machine.
but the ping to the linux server is not working.even the telnet and ftp are...
hi ifincham,
i had updated the server as per ur advice .but i am unable to get the messages from outside.what should i do for that.
telnet on that port.
Hi ifincham,
thanx for the advice.i had checked it out.in /etc/xinetd.d
/telent disable is no only i can do telnet from other systems .my problem is i had installed qmail on the server.
and i am checking whether pop3d is running or not.
i had made changes in inetd.conf as per the docs.after...
i couldnt find any content in /etc/inetd.conf.i had added one line saying
pop-3 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd
after that i tried
killall -HUP inetd
but i am getting error "no process killed"
why is it so.
pls clarify.
hi all,
when i tried the command killall -HUP inetd i am getting error as no process killed.how to over come this.
when i tried
telnet localhost 110 (pop port number)
error to remote host is refused is teh error.how to over come this so that i can start tyeh pop server...
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