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Search results for query: *

  1. WintersMystic

    cgi/ssi enabeling.

    i just got Apache 1.3.22 installed. now i want to get CGI working. i changed the httpd.conf file apropriately. but i still get a 500 error. so, do i need to install perl from activestate? here is what is in the error.log [Wed Jan 23 17:00:06 2002] [error] [client] couldn't spawn...
  2. WintersMystic

    Using Regular Expressions to color HTML tags

    hi, and thank you :) Neil: that will work, i know it will cause i put -$&- and it showed red - - marks throught the page. this will be for people to put in their URLs and help debug large HTML files. by easily seeing the tags. but the results show the actual page. what im trying to do is...
  3. WintersMystic

    Using Regular Expressions to color HTML tags

    i need to change the color of the < and the > of HTML tags in a Perl/CGI script. im VERY new to regular expressions. but i have tried this, but i get some weird results lol. $html =~ s/</<font color=red><<\/font>/gi; $html =~ s/>/<font color=red>><\/font>/gi; this actualy results in the...
  4. WintersMystic

    disable View&gt;Sourse and right click view source

    is this possible with JS or would you have to use VBScript? THank you
  5. WintersMystic

    Banner Rotation Script

    can somone tell me why this errors out after the second banner is shown and it tries to load the next? all images are in the images dir. the first two banners show, then after the second it errors. error msg: line 1 char 1 object expected. <script language=&quot;JavaScript&quot;> var...
  6. WintersMystic

    proper usage

    i am writing a form script for a friend of mine. it has 29 inputs and submit reset buttons. my question is, is it proper to put the HTML into the php script or is it more apropriate to &quot;call&quot; the php script with the form on an .html page? im asking because i was told the script would...
  7. WintersMystic

    Saving PHP Generated Images

    i am learning how to create images with php. i have it going pretty good, but now im wondering if it is at all possible to save the image into .jpg .png or .gif formats? if so how? also, on ImageColorAllocate($im, 225, 0, 0); is it possible to send the numbers from three form text boxes to...
  8. WintersMystic

    Image::Size problem

    ok, i just tried this on my script.. use Image::Size; ($one, $two) = imgsize(&quot;url to image&quot;); if($one eq &quot;&quot;){ $one = &quot;NOPE&quot;; } if($two eq &quot;&quot;){ $two = &quot;NOPE 2&quot;; } print &quot;Content-type: text/html\n\n&quot;; print &quot;$one <p>$two&quot...
  9. WintersMystic

    Image::Size problem

    how do you mean? can that be done when working on a webhost?
  10. WintersMystic

    Image::Size problem

    below is my code. this is straight off the docs for Image::Size. and it is installed on my webhost. but i get nothing but a blank screen when i test it. any ideas why? #!/usr/bin/perl -w use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); BEGIN{ use CGI::Carp qw(carpout); open(LOG, &quot;>mycgi-log&quot;) or...
  11. WintersMystic

    directories on a webhost

    ok, i cant get perl to run on my PC. not sure why, besides the fact that i dont have the HD space right now. so i have to work on webhosts. well, what i want to do is list all directories under say: /home/here/there/user everyone tells me to use File::Find, but no matter where i go it doesnt...
  12. WintersMystic

    Database Program

    i am trying to find out what the easiest and fastest to use program to write a database to use in VB 5.0 PRO would be. i dont have any prog on my PC to write a databse with.
  13. WintersMystic

    proper usage of CGI.pm

    ok, some people tell me that this is the proper way use strict; use CGI; use CGI qw(:standard); $q = new CGI; and others tell me i dont need use CGI; when using use CGI qw(:standard); which is right?? :)
  14. WintersMystic

    Search and replace

    ok, i understand this $line =~ s/$search/$replace/ and i know &quot;i&quot; means case sensative,(i hope lol), but i have never quite grasped what &quot;g&quot; does. any explanations?
  15. WintersMystic

    Net::FTP two ?'s

    ok, i am trying to install a FTP program(transloader for webtv users) on Hypermart. the script works on my other server fine. but on hypermart i keep getting &quot;Bad File Descripter&quot; on the Host line. use Net::FTP; $ftp = Net::FTP->new(&quot;$host&quot;) or die &quot;Host: $!&quot...
  16. WintersMystic

    Printing a webpage

    is there a tutorial on how to print a page that is filled with user selected options with VBScript? say users info is printed without the printer dialog box being involved?
  17. WintersMystic

    project wont compile (VB 5.0 Pro)

    Thank you very much. i will do that. :)
  18. WintersMystic

    project wont compile (VB 5.0 Pro)

    i posted this somewhere else, but no answeres yet, and i really need help now before i throw this whole program (VB 5) out the window. ------------------------ i am using the wizard that comes with VB5.0 Pro i havent found any others that are easy to use for a newbie :( p.s. i am having some...
  19. WintersMystic


    sorry about that. :) ok, this is basicaly it, what i want is for the script to get all the information on a domain name. such as person who registered the place the domain was registered and so on. kind of like when you use register.com $who = '/usr/bin/whois'; $temp = `$who $FORM{'host'}`...
  20. WintersMystic


    im working on a WhoIs script for a friend, and i have it working correctly, but im not sure how to get it to give the name of the person who registered a site. how can i do this? tia :)

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