Actually that helps a lot... it's made me realise that I'm making it too complicated. What I've done is combined the code for the 3 seperate button presses, for the one button. This way, I can work on removing the openDialog sections without removing that functionality from the individual...
Hi folks,
I have an application that reads a couple of XML files (different formats) then writes a new text/xml file.
Basically the process is...
1st button pressed, openfile dialog is opened and a unique xml file is read using xmlTextReader. This populates a number of textBoxes on my form...
I'm starting to think you're right!
With regards to these libraries that can link to an excel workbook... could someone point me in the right direction as I'm not sure what I'm looking for in Google!
Hi Kevin,
Thanks for the reply... I'll take a look at that, although it sounds like it might be outside my experience/knowledge at the mo'. In the mean time I've been playing with changing the file to a CSV and trying to read it that way. Limited success so far, but I'm hopefull!
Hi Chaps,
I'm back for more!
I would like to be able to click a button and open a xls file, from within that file, I would like the program to search a certain column (not named, just letter) for the line that contains a same 4 letter alphanumeric code as one of the textboxes on my main form...
In addition, I changed the first textBox to a messageBox.Show (padReader.GetAttribute("lat"));
to test it was reading the right things and a messageBox opens with the figures for "lat", I click OK then the remaining 2 textBoxes fill with the correct data and a ...
Disregard... just figured it...
Hi again,
Thanks for the explanation... much clearer to me now, however, just tried the code and it's not working for me. Stepping through the code, it skips through the first couple of bits (I took out the 2 lines I mentioned above and let your code do the work) then it recognises the...
OK... I'll give that a go tonight. That does seem to make more sense.
Can I also check then that the lines,
are correct to make the reader skip the first 2 elements:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
Hi Folks,
Back again! OK... My program has grown, now when I press a button, I would like to open a xml file, which looks something like this...
//This is an example of the XML files
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
Hi folks,
I've just started teaching myself C#, I actually design freeware scenery for Flight Sim and needed an application to do a particular task... can't be that hard! Well, I've finally gotten to the stage where I have actually got an application doing what I want it to do... kinda! It's...
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