I tried this formula: sum({@TPPCnt}.{table.case})>0, of course replacing my tables, however, I keep getting an error message that says the "(" is missing. Am I doing something wrong?
I am trying to create a report that calculates the age of a case....this is what I have now
DateDiff ("d",{CASE_PHYSICAL_TABLE.casefiled date},CurrentDate ), however, I want the report to say after the 30th or 31st day display as "1 month and (x) days"...then after the 365th day, "1 year and (x)...
I am trying to create mailing labels. I have multiple cases for one defendant. I want to generate one label for each defendant not multiple labels for each case. Can this be done? Thanks in advance for your help
I do understand that, however, if I do that all that will be displayed is Time Payment Plan and the rest of the activity of that citation will be suppressed. I want my report to display all cases that contain Time Payment Plan and its other activity pertaining to that case.
Am I making...
I have this report that is grouped by Case # and it returns all activity for one case, for example:
Case #123
Appearance Date
Courtesy Due Date
Time Payment Plan
Case #456
Copy of Check
Copy of Complaint
I want to be able to say...all cases...
How can I calculate a past due date?
If a book was checked out from the library on
October 1, 2006 and it was due on October 16, 2006
How can Crystal calculate the past due date which will be on October 17, 2006?
I hope this makes since.
I am a newby with Crystal...I am not sure of the max that will fit on one line. Can you elaborate the option you are thinking of to generate the data before in a table ad then just pick it up from there?
Is it possible to get data on one line if a record has multiple line items? Example: A defendant receives a citation and he sets up a payment plan...when I generate a report this is how it looks:
Ticket Number Pay Amount Pay Date Pay Type
123123 25.00 11-25-06 CK...
Is it possible to get data on one line if a record has multiple line items? Example: A defendant receives a citation and he sets up a payment plan...when I generate a report this is how it looks:
Ticket Number Pay Amount Pay Date Pay Type
123123 25.00 11-25-06 CK...
Is it possible to get data on one line if a record has multiple line items? Example: A defendant receives a citation and he sets up a payment plan...when I generate a report this is how it looks:
Ticket Number Pay Amount Pay Date Pay Type
123123 25.00 11-25-06 CK...
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