I cannot use INNER JOIN because some of the id_numbers have null. So if only one id_number is null then I get no information for that asset_id.
If I am using MAX(id_eff_dt) to get the latest then how do you have secondary condition for MIN(id_NUMBER for when there are 2 rows witht esame...
No reason for choosing between DFUIO rather than RETWS in 'Sedol'.
The result I am getting at the moment (since this is mock data and not the real stuff) is all rows. Here is some real data.
Cusip Isin isin_id_eff_dt Sedol DESCRIPTION ASSET_ID
001765AH9 <null> <null> <null> AMR 8.63%...
No there is no date on asset table, nor should there be. The purpose of the id_eff_dt date is to show which is the latest id_number for a given ic_cd and asset_id. I only want the latest for each id_cd all in a single row per asset_id.
Stupid me. For some reason when I restarted the server SQL Server did not start, this was immediately after uninstalling SQL Server 2005. Not sure why the status of the NT Service would be altered but there you go.
I cannot restore. In EM SQL Server Group I have no database, when I add my original database I get an error. "SQL Server does not exist or access denied ConnectionOpen\Connect()". This occured when I uninstalled SQL Server 2005.
I tried putting SQL Server 2005 onto the same machine as SQL Server 2000. When I removed SQL Server 2005 it left EM inoperable, had to install SP4 to get it working again, and now it seems SQL Server 2005 attached itself to the data and log files SQL Server 2000 used (It didn't ask me or warn...
I have this query
c2.id_number AS Cusip, c1.id_number AS Isin, c3.id_number AS Sedol,
c4.id_number AS Cusip144a, c5.id_number AS Isin144a,
ISNULL(fii.party_short_name, fii.party_long_name) AS DESCRIPTION,
bintostr(a.asset_id) AS ASSET_ID
FROM govcorp..asset a LEFT JOIN...
On the weekend I installed SQL Server 2005 trial edition on my Db machine. Then I read somewhere that I should not open my existing SQL Server 2000 databases using it as it would irretrievably 'upgrade' them. I think usual M$ force upgrade trickery. There was no warning during the SQL...
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