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Search results for query: *

  1. JeroenDortmans

    GridView does not update data Access database

    Solved it. I changed the sql code of the update query from: UpdateCommand="UPDATE [Programma] SET [Datum] = ?, [Tijd] = ?, [TeamThuis] = ?, [TeamUit] = ?, [DoelpuntenThuis] = ?, [DoelpuntenUit] = ?, [Opmerkingen] = ?, [ZichtbaarProgramma] = ?, [Oefenwedstrijd] = ? WHERE [ProgrammaID] = ? AND...
  2. JeroenDortmans

    GridView does not update data Access database

    Sorry, didn’t mention that I done that.
  3. JeroenDortmans

    GridView does not update data Access database

    Thx for your answer. This is not the problem. The data is displayed in the GridView, I can delete the data, I have had situations that I could edit the data of one row and not from another row. But most of the time I can not edit any data. I don’t understand why!
  4. JeroenDortmans

    GridView does not update data Access database

    Hello, I have a GridView made with VS 2005 with an edit function. When I use the edit function and change data and click on update most of the time the data is not updated in the database. There have been situations that I was able to update the data of one row but most of the time this was not...
  5. JeroenDortmans

    Help with displaying database date in a specific format

    Thank you for your reaction. adamroof, I did use your code and changed it. See the result here http://www.vvboskant.nl/dev/Programma.aspx You can see that it worked out quite wel. Thanks again!
  6. JeroenDortmans

    Help with displaying database date in a specific format

    I have created an ASP.net webpage where people of my soccer club can add information of the matches to play. The information is stored in an Access database, I use VS 2005 as design tool and have a server with ASP.NET 2.0. I have defined a format of how to display this information on the...
  7. JeroenDortmans

    Server not visible when clients brows network and vice versa

    porkchopexpress, thank you very much for the good hints you gave me. The problem is solved. After installing server 2003R2 and setting up the DC I added a second NIC. That is what did cause the problem. NetBIOS over TCP/IP was enabled on my external (internet) NIC and not on the intranet NIC...
  8. JeroenDortmans

    Server not visible when clients brows network and vice versa

    When I on my server 2003R2 (Dutch language version) in control panel double-click network I see my two network connections (one for internet and one for intranet). So what is meant by the bindings tab?
  9. JeroenDortmans

    Server not visible when clients brows network and vice versa

    porkchopexpress, thanks for your answer. I think you did set me in the right direction. When I look in the logfiles I see that there are events with ID 8015 and 8033 which concern browsing. When I read the article: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=191611 I see that it is about multi domain...
  10. JeroenDortmans

    Server not visible when clients brows network and vice versa

    I have a server 2003R2 which is a DC, terminal server, DHCP server, DNS server. My clients are XP SP2 and one W2k SP4. The server has tow NIC’s one for the intranet and one connected to the internet. The server acts as a NAT router. I enabled VPN so I can use terminal server from outside the...
  11. JeroenDortmans

    Tooltip for ASP.NET listbox

    Hello BillyRayPreachersSon, I did try the following code: <select> <option value="1" title="First option">Item 1</option> <option value="2" title="Second option">Item 2</option> </select> This does not work in IE 6. Maybe in Firefox, I don't know. Any other suggestions?
  12. JeroenDortmans

    Tooltip for ASP.NET listbox

    I know the site www.dynamicdrive.com but I didn't find any script there that can help me. They have scripts with which I am able to create a tooltip of for the selected data in a listbox or dropdown but not from the not selected data. What I want is with the mouse go over the data which is in...
  13. JeroenDortmans

    Tooltip for ASP.NET listbox

    I am searching for an example of a tooltip which I can use for my ASP.NET database driven listbox and or dropdown box. Is there anybody who has one?!
  14. JeroenDortmans

    Tooltip for a database driven listbox

    I did try to use the following code: <script language=javascript> function ShowHelp(TheListBox) { document.getElementById("Help1").style.display="" document.getElementById("Help1").style.left=TheListBox.offsetWidth+5+"px" } function HideHelp() {...
  15. JeroenDortmans

    Tooltip for a database driven listbox

    Yes, with client side scripting I mean Javascript. Can anybody give me a good example how I can make a tooltip for a ASP.NET listbox using JavaScript. The lsitbox gets it's data from a database.
  16. JeroenDortmans

    Tooltip for a database driven listbox

    Is there a way to make a tooltip for a database driven listbox without using client side code? When not does anybody know a way to develop this? Thx
  17. JeroenDortmans

    2003 server with sbs 2003 server

    I am setting up a new network with a 2003 server and a sbs 2003 server. At first I didn’t know the sbs needed to be the DC in this network. I did start with setting up the 2003 server. Now I have a working domain controlled by the 2003 server but I can’t see the sbs 2003. Now I want to enable...
  18. JeroenDortmans

    Login script with w2k pro

    This is usefull information, but it doesn't tell me if I can use login scripts with w2k pro as a server. Anyone?
  19. JeroenDortmans

    Login script with w2k pro

    I have a server running w2k pro for file and internet sharing. Is it possible to use login scripts with w2k pro or must I step over to w2k server to use this? When this is possible, how must I setup this in short?
  20. JeroenDortmans

    Query help!

    I will explain what I want with this query. From the table forums I want to read out all the records which have &quot;active&quot; set as 1. From table topics I want to read out the last post &quot;topic_last_post&quot; which must be done for every &quot;forum_id&quot; which is received from...

Part and Inventory Search
