I may have found another work around that seems to be working well for now. I basically created a table with a memo field in it that contains the criteria statement and put a: not like [Tblrtfsupp]![testrtf] in the criteria field. Returns the correct data and hasn't seemed to have lost the...
Thanks for the reply dhookom, however that criteria didn't work. It returned all fields. Any other ideas?
Here is an example of a memo field that I am trying to exclude from the query:
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss Verdana;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17 Still...
Hi there
I have a problem that keeps occurring in a select query. Basically I have used the expression builder to set the criteria of a memo field in the query to be as follows:
Not Like "*\fs## ?*
\par }*"
It is an rtf coded field so it is important that I have the carriage return in the...
Hi there
Lbass your solution works really well for a problem I also face, however I was wondering whether you could go a step further and combine the results of the @display field in the id group footer onto one line.
At the moment, assuming some more data, I belive it would display in the...
Hi lbass.
Thanks for you comments. I had thought that may be a way around it, but is is difficult to see a standrard paatern in the rtf code for those with text data and those without. Here are some examples:
With text:
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss MS...
Hi all
I have an rtf memo field coming across into a crystal report.I have turned on the rtf interpretation and the field displays just fine.
The dilemma is however that I wish to suppress the field if the rtf interpreted display is blank. When I turn on suppress if blank as I normally do, it...
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