I have tried to keep my variables in coding but
most of my reports are called from different places
and if more the variables are in the report, the less
coding need changing)
As for the screen print.
The user who gets the error will have to hit print screen
(before any other key is hit) and...
When you use the reports inside foxpro (frx,frt) files,
If there is an error when the report is printed
(variable not found etc..), The error seems to be always
shown to the user.
There seems to be no way of logging the error.
(on error is not being triggered).
Any Ideas?
P.S. When I put...
I have using the Jaws PDF printer driver
(then it was the %d PDF printer driver) for a while.
This drivers lets your output the pdf files to a directory.
Usally I set the printer to the PDF, then print the jobs,
But you need to have the pdf driver installed on each computer.
Where can I get a...
Do you have .net framework installed on your XP?
If I cannot access the website (or wsdl) file
I get a different error (WSDL not found...)
I can get it working on XP (the second time it is run)
So I do not think it is a proxy or firewall problem.)
But all of my clients are 98/Me machines...
I have am using VFP 7.0 SP1,
The version of Soap (and I have tried all of the ones below)
soap toolkit 2.0
soap toolkit 3.0
.net framework version 1.1 redist
As per Microsoft, soap toolkit has been retired on 7/1/2003,
In favor of .net framework (which has been installed).
West Wind has there wwip class that
give a frame work for this.
A little lot eaiser
DO wwhttp
*** Connect to the server
I am trying to access to web service in VFP useing the
follwing code:
oProxy = CREATEOBJECT("MSSOAP.SoapClient")
On a Windows XP machine (with .net framework installed)
I get "Unspecified error" when run the first time.
If I rerun...
Also, I always if the
if not(used("myalias"))
use tablname alias myalias in 0
Alias, I have found that VFP com object called from
asp pages usally do not have access to the driver names
So, I use the "shared" name instead
instead of
use x:\data\tablename
Thanks for your help,
I added a logical flag between the "old" and "new"
record and set adata grouping based on the logical flag,
(If this is only one group, the "revised" section does not
This seems to work well for the lines of detial
(I have to redo all the totals)
What would...
I currently have a vfp report that is an invoice
showing the each item as a line of detail.
The users watna "Revised" invoice
show the first the "old detial" and
the new lines of detail.
Is it possible to have 2 bands of detial on the same report?
They hsave to be in 2 seperate parts of the...
This is using the mappoint 2004application
(not the web service) with an asp page
1. I can send locations to mappoint
(whether addresses or lat/long)
2. I can have the user zoom, pan (move the map ).
The problem is after the user pans
(moves the map up and down),
I cannot find...
Your dofiledownload in FAQ184-3838
requires shdocvw.dll , which I do not have.
Micrsoft says that InternetSetOption will not
work wil IE 5.0 (and higher?)
176420 InternetSetOption Does Not Set Timeout Values
1. How do I set the timeout value?
2. Since...
I have using the urldownloadtofile api function for
sometime to download webpages
lnGetResults = URLDownloadToFile(0, url, localfile, 0, 0)
I have been using this for webservices with support the
http get...
Currently, I am using the win32 api
URLdownloadtofile to download a webpage.
Normally, I use for web services, using the httpget method,
This function works qucikly enough(<3 seconds) if
1. The...
See www.microsoft.com article 130458
Place the following code in the grid's INIT event:
grno = RECNO()
THIS.setall("Dynamicbackcolor", ;
Place the following...
Suggest you stick with you "Parsing"(looping) solution
instead of an SQL solution.
An SQL solution will be usally be slow
partically on a large database (Over 100,000) records
using a SCAN / ENDSCAN instead of a do while
will work faster in VFP
also a
select sele1
scatter name...
There maybe a way to get exclusive access even when someone is in the file by renaming
On some type of networks (Novell hav not tried on MS)
You can get exclusive access by doing the following.
1. rename the file (DBFname.* dbfname.*)
make sure to be do this through a DOS/command line interace...
We work with relativing large (Over 1 gig) foxpro
dbf and have found
How does re-indexing help?
PACKING does help, by getting rid of the deleted records,
we have found this is also faster with VFP table then 2.6
How do you balance Memory against CPU?
Memory is alot more imporeant then CPU...
Thre is a version of VB for pocketpc or Window Ce,
www.vb5ce.com, You can download a free version from micrsoft.
VB is good for somethings because it can access VFP databases.
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