Here is an example of a few questions on the form.
(Had to put periods in so things would somewhat line up)
.............................Meets.........Exceeds ........Falls Below
..........................Expectations....Expectat ions....Expectations
1. On Time delivery ________ ____X_____...
I want to create a form so we can evaluate our services from a form we send out to our customers. There are 15 questions. The customer checks either Exceeds Expectations, Meets Expectations or Falls Below Expectations. Is there a way to evaluate that information in Access per customer and all...
This is just to keep track of past training and future training for a small factory that I just started working for recently. Right now they have everything on paper. The boss was wanting to use Excel and I opened my big mouth and said that Access would be better. I've done some work with Access...
I didn't post twice on porpose. I think what happened was When I was about finished we got company. Then when I got back I thought I was still working on it and posted again by accident.
Anyway, is there a way to add attachments to the messages. I can attach the file and explain what I want and...
I am trying to create a Microsoft Access training database for us at work and I’m not having much success. Can someone look at what I’ve done so far and see if they can make it work or if you know of one out there already that I could download and use that would probably even be better. If there...
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