I have been successful in creating the Outlook Form with a button which will open a .dot for the user to complete. I have an icon on the toolbar that will allow the user to see the exact path address of the saved .doc and another icon to open a .xls file to enter that specific path address...
I can do part of what I am looking for by assigning a Word Macro but I need to alter the macro so it will autosave. How can I go about stepping into the macro? When I click step into my word doc closes all together and I am left with nothing.
Unfortunatly, Outlook only knows the name of the template.doc not the actual saved name. The word .doc is a template that the user completes than saves as another name. Outlook doesn't even know about the Excel file. Do you think this is still do-able?
The user opens a form in outlook then clicks a button to open the Word Document. The hyperlink needs to be from the Word Doc. and needs to be attached to the button in Outlook and into the cell in Excel. Does that make sense?
I have a word doc that on close I would like to have the hyperlink addess from that closed file automatically entered into the next available cell in a specific column in an excel spreadsheet. I think this should be possible with VBA but am not sure where to start since I am going to be working...
I have inserted an Excel Shpreadhseet Object created from my Excel file into a Word .doc. Some of the cells seem to have a light grey fill color in the embedded object but not on the spreadsheet when it is open in Excel. I check conditional formatting and the fill/pattern and both are clear...
Thanks Ace! I do have the another Before and After Event but it is on the main form with a different field. Do I need to fully clarify the 2nd form? If so, how do I do that in VBA?
I have 2 forms - a main form and form no. 2 in the same database. The main form has the contact information which the user chooses a selection from the drop down and the text boxes autofill with the correct information. Works great. But when I try the same thing (just with different information)...
I have been trying to auto populate a text box based on a user selection from the combo box in the same form. I changed the control source of the text box to reflect:
And my row source for Company is:
SELECT Customers.Company, Customers.First, Customers.Last...
Thanks! I tried your suggestion and it gave me nothing. :( The switchboard is there but was changed to reflect a form and for whatever reason, I could only view other forms. I check for Object Dependencies and was able to view the tables in that fashion. Thanks Again!
I tried the form name and the error message I receive is as follows:
Run Time Error '2450'
Microsoft Office Access can't find the form "Public Folder Contacts021907' referred to in a macro expression of Visual Basic Code.
Which is odd since that is the name of the main form.
I captured a...
I tried to add a primary key to the table but since the table is a linked table from our exchange server, it will not let me alter it..including adding a primary key.
Is there another way?
Thank genomon. But it doesn't seem to recognize the form name. I triple dipple checked and everything looks right.
It looks like it only goes back to a default when I change from form view to design view than back to form view. Is there a way to disable the design view when I am finished...
Genomon: No, I have not tried the .refresh or .requery. Not sure I undestand how. See I am a complete novice at Access and databasing...I have only tinkered around figuring things out on my own. It is amazing what I have accomplished so far but I think I am creating a monster. Sorry, if my...
New dilemma....
I have my database which has sub-forms. I added the Add record Command Button but I am confused as to where it adds the record. When I look for the record, it is not there. I need the record to be linked with a field [Company] from the main form.
IE: When a user selects a...
I have a main form with a field for a company name. The user has the ability to choose the drop down menu and choose from a list (which is a linked table from our server). When the company is chosen, the appropriate fields for the person is completed...address, phone number, etc.
I have 3...
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