We're in the process of upgrading to Crystal 11. A pop-up used to come up that asked if I wanted to save the original Crystal 9 version of the report to Crystal 11, but it doesn't come up anymore. Any ideas on how to get it back or tell what version the report is?
Thanks in advance
My groups aren't kept together because there are so many sections underneath it. All the sections are dollar amounts so if a section happens to be the first row on the page, I want it to display a dollar sign.
It seems that cnt only increments once per group so all the sections under a group have the same cnt. cnt also increments for suppressed groups, which could be a problem if it misses displaying a dollar sign on a page.
I tried the formula but it doesn't work. I don't truly understand it as I'm new to Crystal, and might have worded my situation incorrectly.
My report has groups and several sections under each group (the sections contain different calculations). The groups aren't kept together so the first row...
I want to print a dollar sign on the first row of each page. I thought the option "One Symbol Per Page" was perfect, but my groups have subgroups and "One Symbol Per Page" gives all the subgroups dollar signs as well.
Grp A1 $2
A2 $5
Grp B1 4...
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