Well my code is the following. I have cut some of it. I just want to replace all this code by writing a loop. The only thing that changes is one variable(a0-a35, yes i have written it 35 times!).
var id=new Array();
function find(){
if (document.a0.box.checked==true){...
Hello. I want to do the following. I want to write this
if (document.a0.box.checked==true)
but instead of writing .a0. i want to pass the value of a variable.
For example to have sth like temp='a0'; But if i write this
if (document.temp.box.checked==true), it doesn't work. Any suggestion?
Hello. I have a table (auctions) that i store details about auctions. In this table i have two fileds. Maxbid and bidstart. I want to create an sql statement that will do the following. I want to select all the records and print them ordered by their maxbid. But if the maxbid is 0 then to take...
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