If you've got SMTP running on a Windows 2003 server, you can use the following SP. If it's 2000, then use the CDONTS object (some of the properties will be different).
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[SendEmail]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)...
create procedure test
@word varchar(10),
@sectionID varchar(max)
EXECUTE ( 'SELECT * FROM [testtable] WHERE sectionID IN ( ' + @sectionID + ')' )
CASE only works when you want to return different values based on a variable or condition.
If you want to execute differing lines of code based on a variable then
If v = 1
Is the way to go. It looks clunky and performance may suffer, but it's easily readable by humans.
I've been experiencing IIS6 "hangs" weekly. Using the IIS Diagnostics, I traced it to one our .NET web services.
I'm using two approaches:
1) Modify the machine.config file to increase threading.
2) Put the bad boy ws into its own app pool and recycle it based on memory.
No hangs for two...
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