I search a procedure to put automatically a version for a jar and a war.
The goal is to know the version of an application which works in production without rename the jar file.
Like this :
> toto.jar - version => returns the number of version of the current application.
And how...
I have a simple application which display the list of customers into a MYSQL database and I use Ibatis for that. But there is another externe application which use also the same database and can update the customer table.
For performance problem I use Ibatis cache for all select ...
I have a java bean with a Timestamp property :
import java.sql.Timestamp;
public Class toto {
private Timestamp createDate;
And getter/setter :
public Timestamp getCreateDate() {
return createDate; }
public void setCreateDate(Timestamp cdate) {
this.createDate= cdate; }
Q: how...
I search an JNI example with C/C++ to check if it is possible to send a java object with JNI.
I have a class java “A” with 2 methods:
- getCustomer (): get an java object Customer
- checkCustomer (Customer c): print an Customer object
The external prog (C/++ or other) calls the method...
I would like to know you opinion concerning the following question:
I have a java bean (Account) which provide all DAO to access database but this object has a property (array []) which who should not be stored in the database.
Each account has this array containing of data which are...
I must to manage several list of objets for example :
in the database I have 3 tables :
T1 => 1..* T2 => 1..* T3 (tables)
T1 contains Person Javabean, T2 contains a Account List and T3 contains a adress List.
A person has many accounts and one account has many adresses.
How write the DAO...
I must to manage several list of objets for example :
T1 => 1..* T2 => 1..* T3 (tables)
T1 contains Person Javabean, T2 contains a Account List and T3 contains a adress List.
A person has many account and one account has many adresses.
how write the DAO :
insert, update, delete and...
I search a good implementation that allows to get and send of JMS messages using any JMS provider (MOM) with of JMS message containing XML file or Java objects (I use Jboss as Server).
I would like to know how :
1- to extract the data from table (DefaultTableModel) to instantiates a javabean object (Customer).
2- to built the table when a dao return the customers list.
The table disply the list of customers
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