I tried your example using styled UL tags:
My HTML output looks like this:
12 Manuel Abad Ibanez(40801)
0 Bill Adkins(40104)
12 Ashish Agarwal(41736)
6 Gustavo Agusti(41034)
9 Sanjay Ahuja(40431)
My ASP code that rendered the above output is:
<ul id="menu">
For iRows...
Or you could call the function:
Call passTwoValues(value1, Value2)
Look into this code snippet:
QS = Request.Querystring("ID")
'Now pass the querystring to the following function.
if QS = trim(aCategory(0, iRows)) then
Call GetProducts...
This is my result set from which I would like to show an indented hierarchy:
Emp_Name Indent Mgr_ID Sub_ID Lft Rgt
William McMonigal 4 862336 862336 604 617
David Block 5 862336 627298 605 606
Joseph Hennessy 5 862336 862337 607 608...
Using this query, I got the indentation of everybody in the orgstructure. I just showed the data for one top level manager - W. McMonigal so that you can see the indentation for him and his subordinated who have the indentation of 5.
The query I made to get this indented Org Structure is...
This question is related to AJAX. I am trying to display a list of products for the category "Beverage" using the Northwind database.
When I click on the link "Beverage", I get thie error - "Unknown runtime error". In the code below, I made the error line bold.
What is causing it?
I am still not able to get this working in a simple page. Please help me. I am badly stuck.... :(
I am trying to view the contents of the Beverage Category. I have built it like a hierarchy in the form of styled <UL> tags.
Please assist me in combining the 2 pages into one page. I would...
Even if I were to split the code, how my getProducts.asp call a Javascript function without having a script tag in the asp page as it is an embedded within the Categories_dynamic.asp
Wait a minute...as I am writing this message I noticed that when I view the page source, I cannot see the...
I get an error at this line:
'/// Collect the Values wanted into the dictionary object
for i= lbound(aParams) to ubound(aParams)
aKeyValue = split(aParams(i),"=")
sIDX = aKeyValue(lbound(aKeyValue))
sParam = aKeyValue(ubound(aKeyValue))
dList.add sIDX, sParam
I have 2 seperate queries from a nested table structure.
This query returns the emp and his subordinates.
SELECT s2.*, dbo.Employee.FirstName + ' ' + dbo.Employee.LastName AS Emp_Name
FROM dbo.Stack1 s1 INNER JOIN
dbo.Employee ON s1.employee =...
Code above is the Javascript.
For the ASP part, it is below:
<a href="#" class="a_style" onclick="showProducts(<%=aCategory(0, iRows)%>);s_Hide('<%=aCategory(0, iRows)%>'); return false;"><%=aCategory(1, iRows)%></a>
<ul id="UI_<%=aCategory(0, iRows)%>">
Thanks for the response. The above code is one single ASP page. It is the entire code. Is It too much to ask you to try it your machine and see how it works now?
I first use the server to load only the top level category - in this case 1 which is "Beverage". I use AJAX function...
If I do a SQL Statement:
Select Max(Indentation) from View_OrgStructure_Indent
I get a value of 5, but I do not want to hardcode that value into the ASP page.
I am using SQL Server 2000. I am using Joe Celko's example of nested set model. I am trying to implement his example for hierarchical structures. So his example must be based on Oracle.
I built indentation that would show the the hierarchy of the people in the org structure in the SQL Server database. So I have got rows with values like this:
Indentation Employee
1 4655
2 5623
2 8956
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