Hello vacunita,
thanks for info. just one point which you may be able to help with before I shut down and try these solutions out.
My current system is running Windows XP Pro, my Seagate also had XP but my old IBM had NT, will I suffer compatibility problems with old data formats or can XP read...
hello vacunita,
thanks for IBM position list
My Seagate has 2 jumper positions for one function
Label reads as follows
:::: Slave
:::B Master or Single Drive
::B: Enable Cable Select
::BB Master with non ATA compatible Slave
B::: Limit Drive Capacity to 2.1 GB(4092 Cylinders)
Hello argus34,
thanks for help, just one question regarding the cable.
There is a connector at each end plus one additional connector in the middle of the cable. Am I correct in assuming that the 1st. end connector goes to MB and that the middle connector goes to the master and the second end...
Hello vacunita,
thanks for your quick reply.
Seagate HD has a label showing 5 different postions for the "jumpers".
The IBM doesn't have any label indicating "jumper" positions.
Am I correct in the assumtion that all Harddrives have the same "jumper" function in the same position? ie: the slave...
I'm new to this site and require assistance to install a second Harddrive, not to increase HD capacity but to transfer Data to my newer PC. The old HD came out of my old PC which is no longer functional otherwise I could just use a memory stick to transfer the data.
Also, I transferred my...
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