Thank you for all the great information. After all the help I did get my apache server online and although I do have a dynamic ip for the time being, with my computer on all the time the ip doesn't change very often at all. I have a domain forwarded to my ip address and new port since 80 is...
Thanks for the information. I did confirm with Cox Communications that Port 80 is blocked. There is no way to unblock it. Even with a higher internet package.
So I can just change it to a different port?
If so, where all do I have to change this?
Any suggestions?
Not only am I having this problem.. My friend is using the same setup I am, and he is also having this problem..any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
I'm very new to the web server world.
My apache server is running and I can view my page from my local computer..but others typing my ip address can't connect.
Current hardware/software:
Belkin router - I have a virtual port setup for port 80.
Norton Internet Security - I think I've...
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