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  1. JNameNotTaken

    Word: Header, word wrap issue

    Super, that's solved it. Thanks Very Much J
  2. JNameNotTaken

    Word: Header, word wrap issue

    Hello All This is driving me crazy, any help would be great, please. A header on a page with the following formatting: Header 1, Arial(default), 16 (default) The heading wraps to a new line but I need the second line to line up with the 'H' not the '2'. Anybody know how to fix this? Thanks...
  3. JNameNotTaken

    Escaping html tags in html mail

    ok here is how it's done/fixed: use CGI qw/:standard/; my $HTMLEscapedText = escapeHTML( $htmlText ); Bye.
  4. JNameNotTaken

    Escaping html tags in html mail

    Hello All New problem today. Any help would be great, thanks. I have a form that takes text from a user in a Text Area and sends it as part of the body of a html mail. Firstly, I replace all the \n's with <BR>'s on the text from the text area as so: $detailsBR = $details; $detailsBR =~...
  5. JNameNotTaken

    Net::SMTP HTML Mail Catch 22 dilema

    Cheers, kirsle you appear to be correct. Additionally, I think the extra \n between the header and the body may have done the trick but I couldn't be certain. In any case the following code works: my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new('smpt.mydomain.com'); $smtp->mail( $email ); $smtp->to(...
  6. JNameNotTaken

    Net::SMTP HTML Mail Catch 22 dilema

    Hello I'm able to send mail ok using Net::SMTP but I have an issue I'm hoping sombody can please help with. Code: use Net::SMTP; my $mail_body = "my html message"; my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new('smpt.mydomain.com'); $smtp->mail( $email ); #from email address $smtp->to( $RECIPIENT_EMAIL ); #to...
  7. JNameNotTaken

    Outer Join or merge of some sort?

    r937. You are GOOD. Worked a charm. Thank you so much. Best Wishes.
  8. JNameNotTaken

    Outer Join or merge of some sort?

    ADDRESS( Address_ID, Street, City ) 0 A St. C1 1 B St. C1 PROPERTY( Address_ID, Prop_Details ) 0 D1 1 D2 FLAT( Address_ID, Association_Fee ) 0 AS1 HOUSE( Address_ID, Lot_Size ) 1 LS1...
  9. JNameNotTaken

    Return External Value

    I have a requirement whereby an external source will access my script in order to receive a return value in XML format. My script will receive some data then based on that, return an XML tag with data in it. How can a script return data to an external 'caller'? I can print html with perl to...
  10. JNameNotTaken

    Exact # of digits regular ex.

    Thank you both, I really appreciate that information.
  11. JNameNotTaken

    Exact # of digits regular ex.

    Hi All Sorry to have to ask this. but it's been driving me daft for the last few hours. I need to verify that a scaler contains only digits and only 12 of them at that. I've tried these (among others) to no avail: if( $variable =~ m/\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d/ ) if( $variable =...
  12. JNameNotTaken

    CGI: File write permissions difficulty

    Thanks KevinADC I have been able to relax the permission to an extent, I still find that I have to allow all users write access to the file in order to let the script write to it. I can live with that I think though. I don't see how anybody could write to it without being logged into the ISP...
  13. JNameNotTaken

    CGI: File write permissions difficulty

    Hi All I'm using windows XP ftp thing to change file permissions on a file I wish to write to from a cgi script. The only way i can get the script to actually read and write to the file is to open all permissions. This means that sombody can simply go to the URL and view the contents of the...
  14. JNameNotTaken

    Disable HTML Form auto dropdown list

    Different field names> Great I'll try that. Currently they are named the same. Thanks again
  15. JNameNotTaken

    CGI file path problem

    KevinADC, I'm curious too. What kind of problems am I likely to run into? Thanks
  16. JNameNotTaken

    Disable HTML Form auto dropdown list

    PaulTEG, Thanks for explaining, I understand what you mean now and it is certainly a tip I'll be holding onto. Unfortunatly it doesn't solve my immediate problem. In a nut shell: - I present a field to the user where they input a number. After submission I then present a different field to...
  17. JNameNotTaken

    Disable HTML Form auto dropdown list

    Thanks PaulTEG, but, I'm not sure I understand what you mean. I don't see how using <input name="name_timestamp> will help. Is the name of the field not totally arbitrary? I don't know how this will prevent a drop down list of previously entered data from appearing as soon as the user types...
  18. JNameNotTaken

    Disable HTML Form auto dropdown list

    Hi All Any of you who have read any of my previous posts will know that I am very much a beginner to Perl so please bare with me here. My (latest) problem is this. MS internet explorer 'remembers' what has been entered into HTML forms by default. So when you go back to the form a list of...
  19. JNameNotTaken

    CGI file path problem

    1DMF Thanks very much. Your theory appears to be correct. I moved the .gif files out of the cgi-bin directory, changed the paths in the cgi script, now everything appears to be ok. Thanks for your help.
  20. JNameNotTaken

    CGI file path problem

    Hi All I have a Perl CGI script which generates HTML code dynamically. for example: - printHTML(); sub printHTML() { return <<"end"; <IMG SRC="my_image.gif"><BR> Some Text<BR> end } My problem is that the .gif file is not being displayed when I post the script on the (linux) server. The...

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