What language will you be using or want to use to query the database? ASP? Cold Fusion? <p>Steve Cohen<br><a href=mailto:stevo@zapdesigns.com>stevo@zapdesigns.com</a><br><a href=http://www.zapdesigns.com>Zap Designs</a><br>
I am having trouble getting the wheel (using a MS Intellipoint mouse) to work with win2k. I am using a laptop and I have disabled the internal pointing device, but the wheel still doesn't work. I used to have win98 running on this laptop and the wheel worked...
This is the command for a line break or single space.<br>
Keyboard way -- Hold down shift and hit enter. <br>
Mouse way -- Click on the Insert tab on the toolbar, and then click on the option for "line break." <p>Steve Cohen<br><a...
The easiest way would be to create a button and assign an action to it. This action would be "Stop All Sounds."<br>
Getting it to play again, that's a different story. Do you want it to start again where it left off or do you want the sound to start over again?
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