This is probably a beginner question for this site. The following program will not work because I do not actually have "0" in the Site2 and Site3 columns; if there is no 1, 2 or 3, there is no value.
What do I use in place of "=0"? Thanks,
Function DoSiteConversion()
Thanks for taking a look. I found the big problem, namely the database I'm working with isn't called MainTable. Once I fixed that, it seems SQL doesn't like numbers or hyphens in the field names, so I fixed that, too.
You're right about the table structure.
Thanks for taking a look. Yes, CropActive1 is a valid fieldname.
And there is no Crop_Code. Only Crop_Code1, Crop_Code2 and Crop_Code3 are valid fields.
Any input is welcome. The situation is users were allowed to put the amount of pesticide applied (Active) along with the 1-3 crops it was applied to (Crop_Code1,2,3) in a single record. I wanted to divide the Active value by 2 if used on 2 crops, and divide the Active by 3 if 3 crops, and...
Concerning the following Select statement, I get an error message when I try to create a make-table query with it saying "The SELECT statement includes a reserved word or an argument name that is misspelled or missing, or the punctuation is incorrect." What doesn't Access like...
I adapted what a few of you wrote as follows. However, Access won't let me save it - says there's a syntax error in the From clause. How can I correct it?
Select License, County, EPA_Reg, Brandname, Chem, Active, Pestcode
Select License, County, EPA_Reg, Brandname...
I tried to save this query (qGOLOM, for those who have tuned in before) but it didn't like my From statement. What is incorrect or missing? Also, does the rest of it look acceptable? Thanks for any help!
Select License, County, EPA_Reg, Brandname, Chem, Active, Pestcode
Hi. Could anyone help me if it's not too involved? I need a VBA program that does the following:
County Person Product1 Amount1 Product2 Amount2
Mercer Tom Nails 200 Screws 300
County Person Product Amount
Mercer Tom Nails...
I have the following program. When I go to run it, a box pops up asking me for a parameter value for 1%formulation. The column has numbers in it, however. Why am I getting that message?
Also, while 1%Formulation always has a number present in its dbase column, 2%,3%,4%Formulation are...
Hello. For the following VBA program, Access does not like my Dim statement. How do I assign the table (or recordset) I want converted to "rs?"
Thanks for any help.
Function DoTheConversion()
Dim table "Structural 2005" As rs
DoCmd.RunSQL "update rs set [Active] = [Amount]* 8.35 *...
I have a question for any VB expert out there. The following module written for Access 97 and viewers in this forum are satisfied with the language. However, at the Module tab (displaying the Run, Design, New buttons) the Run button is shaded and cannot be clicked. What do I have to do to the...
I have a question for any VB expert out there. I have the following module written for Access 97, however, the Run button will not activate. What needs to be done to run the program? And is the program language correct?
(Additional info - the table is named Structural 2005. The fields...
I have a question for any VB expert out there. I have the following module written for Access 97, however, the Run button will not activate. What needs to be done to get the Run button activated? Is the program language correct? (Added information - the database is named Structural 2005...
I was wondering if anyone could help. For years we have used DBase3 for a specific database process and are updating all dbase files to Access this year. Below is a sub-program we used for calulation and field replacement. This is DBase language - how would you write it in VBA for Access...
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