Dear Experts,
I am a novice VBA coder and been googling this w/o any luck.
Can this be done?
Let's say there's a mySQL server running on
DBname: myDB
table_name: tblA
(and login/pw etc...)
Then there's local Access DB with the same table name/structure.
Can they be...
Dear TheAceMan1,
Thank you! It worked great with Ctrl+C method of copying.
However, do you know how to disable "right click"? I can still right click on the top-left corner then copy the whole Datasheet and paste it into excel.
Thanks again.
Dear experts,
How can I prevent a user from "copy" the whole datasheet by using "copy and paste"? For example, a user can easily "copy" a whole datasheet then paste it into excel sheet.
Thank you in advance.
Dear Experts,
I have a field which has some NULL values. When I sort this field ASC, (Let's say "fldA"), NULL values show up at the top.
I understand I can make them listed at the bottom by using query - fldA Is Null DESC, fldA ASC.
Is there anyway to do this by using Form's "OrderBy"...
Dear Experts,
Here's my situation. Please parden me if this is too basic question...
I have a table "tblName" as following:
id name
1 David
2 Robert
3 Peter
4 Andy
on table "tblRecord", those names are stored as number using combo box trick with bound column 1 but showing only 2nd column...
Dear Experts,
I want to make the following code as "Global Module".
However, I'm stuck with making "FormName" variable since it's connected with "Forms!".
Any ideas will be appreciated. Thanks.
BTW, how put following code inside a box? (Like many of you do nicely...)
Dear SoCalAccessPro,
Thank you so much! I never thought of using Forms!...
Anyways, the form B's PDM value is changed now thanks to you. I want the Form B's whole record to be changed to that particular value.
Could anyone have advice?
Dear Experts,
Here's where I'm stuck:
I have two forms: Form A, Form B
both forms have same key - invoice number
I have a pull down menu in each forms - cboInvNum
I used macro on that PDM - GoToControl then findRecord to go to specific record on both forms.
What I want is,
when both forms A...
Dear bubba100, SkipVought and PHV,
Thank you all for your expert advice!
PHV- thank you so much for showing me the simple method. I think it was the way that I was looking for. I thought there's gotta be a way to tell VBA that date is function. You showed me how.
Thank yu all again.
Dear experts,
on a form A there are
1. txtRegDate (text box)
2. cmdToday (command button)
clicking cmdToday will fill today's date on txtRegDate
cmdToday has this event:
me.txtRegDate = date
Weird thing is this works on some forms and doesn't on other forms. the error msg is
"Run-time error...
Hello, I always appreciate expert helps in this forum.
Here's what I'd like to do with VBA coding:
1. Upon mde file open and switch board opens, check if a table is link to R:\tables.mdb
2. If not, un-link all current tables then re-link to R:\tables.mdb
Thank you in advance.
Would someone please explain to me the differences between
also what's the difference between
Me.txtName vs. Me!txtName
I am really confused about using dot (.) and bang (!)
it seems like both works the same?
lameid: sorry about the typo. I meant "full permission".
BTW, the problem was DB was splitted into front & back end and I was trying to give permission from front-end. (Front & back-end was both secured)
I gave permission to the back-end and it worked.
Thank you.
I have a group "A". User "userA" belongs to group "A".
I setup permission for the group "A" as following:
"tblA" - pull permission
At this point, "userA" doesn't have any permissions to "tblA"
I thought setting permission to a group will be inherited to the users belong to that group...
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