I want to display a customer list report on screen.
That's easy.. but what I can't figure is how to limit the number of detail lines per screen??
Like showing only 15 customers at a time then have the user press a button on the on screen report to show more.
I have designed my first report. when I run it, it only opens up about a 1/3 of the screen and I have to drag a corner to size it. Is there any way to have it come up like a standarm form? Can I dump the record counter on the bottom?? I would also like to include controls to move to the next...
If I put in a 1 for the default value and make the rule >1 then the validation rule didn't work again.
Obviously if I make the default value 1 and the rule > 0
it works if I type in a 0.
It still seems like it's considering the default value something I entered.
Looks like I might have answered my own question.
The validation rule doesn't work because the default value is 0. As soon as I removed this then the rule worked.
I don't quite get this?! I didn't want the field to have to be empty. It looked better with a default value in. And 0 is the only...
I have a unbound field that has:
Input mask 999999;;#
Default value 0
Validation rule >0
Validation test "invalid pen number"
Yet when I hit the enter key with 0 in this field
It just moves to the next field, without the validation rule kicking in.
In an on exit event from a text field, I have a condition and if its true then I want to close the form.
So I issue the DoCmd.Close. However I get this error message.
Run-time error '2585'
This action can't be carried out while processing a form or report event.
Why not??
I have two fields on a form. The first field has a default value of 0. If someone hits enter and accepts this ( a value I don't want them to enter) I have the lost focus event check the value and return the focus back into the first field till they get it right. The trouble is .. the focus...
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