does anybody now how to silve the following problem.
When i put into crontab the following it does not work.
30 12 * * * /bin/find /app/cls/Fundtech/1.0.0/log -mtime +4 -exec rm -f {} \;
when i do it by hand from the prompt it works fine. But from the crontab i get a error.
fundt1 ...
We are in conversation with IBM and the Vendor of the software but they both are not certain what is going on.
We are also making a second LPAR machine to see if the same thing is going to happen. On the first LPAR machine we had installed AIX 64 we are now going back to AIX 32. The first...
/app/cls/Fundtech/tools>lsattr -El proc0
frequency 1656424000 Processor Speed False
state enable Processor state False
type PowerPC_POWER5 Processor type False
Both systems are on 5200.01
I know that is not the reporting. I have problems that some processes do not start because of memory problems. We now can run the application but have 26 Gb in the LPAR. The stand alone has 2Gb.
Just some more info
oslevel 5200-01
System Configuration: lcpu=2 mem=26624MB
kthr memory page faults cpu
----- ----------- ------------------------ ------------ -----------
r b avm fre re pi po fr sr cy in sy cs us sy id wa
1 1...
I can give you the LPAR and ill request the stand alone machine and give you that as soon as they wake up in the US.
cpu_scale_memp = 8
data_stagger_interval = 161
defps = 1
force_relalias_lite = 0
framesets = 2
htabscale = n/a...
Sorry that it is a different handle it seems it did not take my first handle.
We have stopped and started the application already a few times so i do not have the processes anymore that where in the post.
So i took 2 different processes.
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