I've run the macro on the document I wish to apply this marco to, but Word stays open with a dialog box saying "Please wait while Word finishes all pending print jobs". The print job is "spooling" but never prints out. My only option it seems is to press the "Cancel Printing" button on the...
Please could someone help with a macro I require.
I want Word 2003 to print the open document and close Word down. The print out needs print out to a particular printer and needs to be black & white and single sided (not duplex).
When printing the document, I get asked a question about...
I have some users on our network that when they scroll down an email in Outlook 2000/2003 to see the history of the conversation, the text gets larger and larger the further they scroll down. The text of the first reply is normal size but gets larger the more you scroll down. How can I show all...
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