I'm fairly new to perl, so I don't know all the perl syntax. I have several scripts I've written in ksh, and I want to rewrite them in perl, to take advantage of it's speed.
I have a ksh script that searches through a directory to find certain files. The directory has 100's of files, so I have...
I'm writing an isql statement that will be used to query several different databases. I've used variable names for the user, password, server and, table name. But, it won't let me use a variable name for the dbname. I used the statement, "use $dbname" but it gives me an error message. It only...
I have a question about Word. I have a screen shot of one of our apps that I would like to paste into a Word document. On the screen shot, there are a nummber of fields, buttons, etc. that I would like to point out with arrows and text. Is there a way to add these things to my screen...
I'm new to vbscript. I've seen several vbscripts on the net that open an Excel spreadsheet. I wanted to experiment to see if I could open another spreadsheet application (OpenOffice sCalc)
I finally got it to open using
Dim myObj
set myObj = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
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