Here's the error messages:
PAY024 - Advances.imr Error number 438 : no such property or method occurred at line: 16
PAY024 - Advances.imr Error number 91 : Object value is set to Nothing occurred at line: 17
PAY024 - Advances.imr Error number 91 : Object value is set to Nothing occurred at...
Here's the latest version of the macro; we've tried several different versions all with the same result
Sub Main()
Dim ImpApp as Object
Dim ImpRep as Object
Dim ImpExcelRep as Object
Dim ImpPath as String
Dim ReportName as String
Dim MsgText, userfile
Open "T:\Impromptu...
I have a client trying to run a Macro that in turn runs a series of Impromptu reports using the Impromtu Scheduler. This works fine in an open Citrix session. However, my client wishes to leave the scheduler processing his reports in the Citrix session after he has disconnected from it. All...
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