I know I'm missing something here, I can't get my brain around the formatting...maybe it's the 1152939600 that's throwing me off.
I tried date(m d,Y) but that does today's date.
I tried date(F j, Y) but that does the current date.
I'm kind lost here... This is all new to me, as you can...
Ok I have this code I found that I think will work with what I need. I need it to add 2 days to the current date.
<? $newdate = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")+2, date("Y")); ?>
<? echo "$newdate"; ?>
But it's echo'ing this: 1152939600 <-- makes no sense
What am I missing here...
I have a variable that is passed via $_POST[FirstName] from apage2.php to it'self and now I do some edits to that page and submit that to apage3.php but the variable doesn't come across to the next page...how come?
db query to get firstname in a form then using the post method I...
Nevermind...such a doofus I am. I forgot that with the way the javascript is I needed to create a hiddenfield with the productname_# in order for it to echo correctly. I guess this is a bit of a hodge podge way of doing it but it's the only way I know. Thanks again for all your great help.
Uh oh...however I think I have come up with a snag, it's only working for the first set of products, if you try to add another product it won't do it. It's now saying productname_2 is not defined, would this be cause productname is not any array in the javascript?
My lord you are a saint. I have made a few errors in the code I provided you but your reply got me thinking and here is the proper working code:
function showDescription(sel, productdesc, price, productname){
var opt = sel.options;
if(opt[sel.selectedIndex].value == "productname"){...
Ok so to make this "live" example work you have to follow a couple of steps.
Step 1:
http://www.cashflowdirect.com/search/search.html When you go there type in "mar" (no quotes) and click the search button.
Step 2:
Once the search has found anyone with "mar" in their name it will display them...
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